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Third-person POV

Days turned into weeks, and Leah's conversations with the young girl continued, despite the lack of verbal response.

She would sit by her side, sharing stories, reading books, and simply being present.

It was as if their words were carried on a silent breeze, weaving a fragile thread of connection between them.

Leah learned to read the girl's expressions, the subtle shifts in her gaze, and the flicker of emotions that danced in her eyes.

She would talk about her own childhood, her dreams, and her hopes for the future. Sometimes, she would sing softly, her voice a soothing melody that seemed to bridge the gap between them.

Every now and then, Leah would talk to the girl, not with the expectation of a response, but simply to convey her presence and her unwavering support.

She understood that trust was something that had to be earned, and she was willing to invest the time and patience required.

During their quiet interactions, Leah noticed small changes in the girl's demeanour.

There were moments when her tense posture would relax ever so slightly, when her eyes would linger on Leah just a fraction longer than before.

Leah spent time with the girl whilst the kids were in their online classes.

Leah still stood up to Luca about the kids attending real school.

One evening, they sat side by side on the porch, watching the sun dip below the horizon.

The girl's eyes met Leah's, and in that silent gaze, Leah saw a reflection of resilience and determination.

It was a silent agreement, a mutual understanding that their connection was deeper than words could convey.

As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Leah continued to talk, her voice a comforting presence in the stillness around them.

She spoke of friendship, trust, and the power of healing.

The next days, the girl's presence in the house remained a silent but constant one.

She followed Leah's movements with careful, watchful eyes, her gaze rarely leaving Leah for anything.

Luca has been taking Gabriel with him more often and Leah has slowly started getting used to it.

The girls, Andrea and Bella, always talked about stuff, which kept them quite busy.

So Leah could have full attention on the girl.

Despite her continued silence and the absence of a smile, there was a sense of curiosity that emanated from her, an unspoken question in her eyes.

Leah had learned to navigate around the girl's sensitivities.

She moved with a gentleness, her steps purposeful yet unobtrusive.

The kitchen had become a sanctuary of sorts, where Leah could engage in her daily routines while the girl observed from a distance.

This morning, as Leah set about making breakfast, Andrea and Bella joined her in the kitchen.

Their eyes were naturally drawn to the girl, who lingered on the outskirts of the room, her posture still guarded.

Andrea, always the inquisitive one, tilted her head and looked at Leah with a questioning expression.

"Who's that, Mammy?" Bella asked, her voice a hushed whisper.

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