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Third-Person POV

The question hung in the air, heavy with concern.

Andrea, Gabriel, and Bella exchanged worried glances, their eyes turning to Luca with an expectant look.

They all wanted to know where Leah was, their nanny, protector...where their Mammy is.

Luca took a deep breath, his grip on them not faltering.

"Leah... she's not doing well," he began, choosing his words carefully.

"But she's with Andrew and he's taking care of her, just like we always do when someone in the family gets hurt."

"But why isn't she here with us?" Andrea's voice quivered, her worry evident.

"It's because Daddy has to make sure everything is safe," Luca explained, his gaze holding theirs.

"Right now, we need to stay here until we're absolutely sure that everything is okay. But Leah is strong, and she's getting the help she needs."

"Will she be okay?" Bella's voice was soft, her wide eyes searching his face for reassurance.

Luca offered them a small, reassuring smile.

"Yes, she will. We're going to make sure of it. But right now, I need you all to be brave, just like I know you are."

He could see the mixture of emotions in their eyes—fear, concern, and trust.

They were relying on him, just as much as he relied on them for his own strength.

As he held them close, he wished he could erase their worries and make everything right.

"We're a family," Luca continued, his voice gentle but firm.

"And families stick together no matter what. We're going to protect each other, just like Leah protected you today."

Andrea, Gabriel, and Bella nodded, their expressions showing a newfound determination.

With Luca's words echoing in the air, they held onto each other tightly, united by their love and their shared journey through challenges that only served to make them stronger.

Luca's phone rang, he took out his phone and answered.

"How are things?" he asked firmly.

"Good I have to go out now though, I have to go through the security measures and check how many men we lost and if there are any survives, so if you don't mind coming downstairs to watch Sunshine" Andrew notified.

Luca stood up and walked towards the door and stopped right outside of it. He didn't want the kids to worry.

"How is she?" Luca asked, his heart racing at the thought if she were to be in a critical state.

"The doctor came and checked on her, he said she should be fine and wake up soon, she probably fainted of fatigue or she used too much energy at once" Andrew explained.

Luca was relieved Leah was ok and wasn't in bad shape. He wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to her.

"Okay, I need you to take the kids with you"

"To Scotland?" Andrew's confusion was palpable.

"Yes, it's safer. I'll meet you downstairs" Luca said firmly.

"Ok Capo" Andrew responded.

Luca hung up and walked back into the room.

"Let's go" Luca looked at them.

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