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I'd like to dedicate this chapter to MwakaChulu she has been an encouraging best friend that cheers me on my writing and school work.

Love you so much girl💜💜( to the worlds best best friend)😁


Luca's POV

"Se você me confessar que você gosta dela" he offered. (Translation: If you confess to me that you like her).

I scoffed "Of course not" he raised his brow as though not believing me.

I didn't care if he didn't believe me because the fact is, I don't like her and I know that I can't.

"Whatever, since you didn't say it imma hit on her," he said as though trying to trigger something in me.

I shrug and walk towards other people in the event.

To be honest this wasn't a 'business' event at all, well it was business but Mafia-related.

Everyone hated these events because everyone has to smile and be friendly to their enemies.

It's strictly a 'no gun or armoury' event for all mafia dons but that rule is always broken, everyone here has at least two guns.

It's supposed to be a friendly gathering but the atmosphere was as tense as always.

"Mr Romano" Salvatore said with a small bow.

He stretches his hand out for a handshake and I just look at it and back at him.

He senses the mood and puts his hand back down.

I don't hate the Spanish, we just have our differences.

"Uh... I wanted to introduce you to my son Diego" he said gesturing at the person standing next to him.

I looked at Diego, my happy mood left with Leah so I was really just annoyed already.

"Evening Mr Romano" Diego said without a bow.

I raised my brow, that's an act of disrespect, I ignored him and looked at his father.

"I hope you'll make sure to be at our meeting," I said coldly.

I could see the fear in his eyes, "Of course" he stammered. I internally scoffed, Weak.

"And maybe teach your son how to respect the King next time" I continued.

Salvatore gave a deafening look at his son. "It won't be repeated I guarantee Mr Romano" he said with a small bow and left.

I gently shook my head, I knew Diego would not be an ally when he takes over Salvatore.

I had to be greeted by everyone.

Number 1, because they all fear me.

Number 2, they think getting closer to me will give them power, but I don't share.

Number 3, Because I'm unfortunately King of the Mafia and they know that if they don't greet me they'll probably not see tomorrow.

I was already socially drained and that's because the event just started.

My eyes looked around the event to see what everyone is doing.

I want to avoid any problems this year because last year was a show.

Someone was enemies with someone and started firing guns and it was total chaos.

As I looked around I saw Leah sitting next to Andrea.

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