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Scott's Perspective-

Scott stumbled as he landed a bit outside of Chromia.

I should've just stayed here! Scott shouted at himself.

I just had to go pick up my hat. Of course, Jimmy was there, Gem probably knew that!

Scott was pacing around the flower field that he landed in.

The field was beautiful and flourished with many different flowers of all colors.

But there was only one, red poppy.

Whenever he and Jimmy walked into the forest, the poppy would glow.

Scott could never seem to pick it, it seemed stuck to the ground.

It was as if the glow would always stay.

But now,

Well, now it looked dead.

It was once very lively and never seemed to wilt, but now it was dried up.

Scott was too busy in his thoughts to notice it though.

Just then, Scott heard someone land near him.
He turned around and gasped.

Jimmy, out of breath, was standing there.

"What do you want?!" Scott demanded.

Jimmy looked hurt and then said, "I'm here for you."

"Why?! You left me! Ruined my life!" Scott snarled.

Jimmy looked hurt but walked up to Scott anyway.

"Just leave! You chose the law over me!" Scott shouted.

"It was mistake!"

"Oh, a mistake!" Scott rolled his eyes, "Yeah right. I know your true love."

Jimmy stepped closer so now he and Scott were face to face.

"So you know it's you." Jimmy smiled his stupid and sweet smile at Scott.

Scott's heart melted.

He then shook his head, determined to keep his angry outlook.

"What do you want from me. You made me a mess."

"I made myself a mess too!" Jimmy tried to reach for Scott's hand, but Scott moved away.

"Please Scott, I'm sorry."

Scott scoffed and looked to the side, "You're sorry. It's going to take more than that. You have no idea how fucking low I felt. You have no idea how I felt after you left me because of a stupid fucking market. And you know what? It wasn't even AGAINST THE LAW!" Scott shouted.

Jimmy looked down.

"YEAH!" Scott laughed hysterically.

"I was mad because you kept it a secret from me." Jimmy whispered.

Scott stopped.

Jimmy looked incredibly hurt.

Scott didn't say anything, he was paralyzed with shock.

Jimmy took a deep breath.

"I was mad because I didn't know about it and everyone else did. Even the hermits and they left!" Jimmy said softly, now looking Scott in the eyes, "I didn't think we kept secrets from each other. I thought that you would be comfortable telling me that."

Scott's eyes filled with tears, "Well... well I made it to go against the corrupted laws you had. Like not being allowed to wear other people's hats."

"I fixed the laws, Scott!" Jimmy pleaded, "Me and Joel rewrote them. The hat thing isn't there anymore."

"I- then why did you- "

"Because I thought you didn't trust me and love me back."

"But... then- "

"Please, Scott." Jimmy held Scott's hand, "I love you. I was just mad and snapped at you for no reason."

Scott blushed; his eyes welled with tears.

Jimmy then leaned in and kissed him.

Scott kissed back, now crying, but not sad tears, happy tears.

When they broke apart, Scott noticed a red glow out of the corner of his eye.

Scott looked over and saw the poppy.

It was glowing a different color now.

It was glowing red, yes, but also cyan and green.

Scott bent down and tried to pick the flower.

He gasped as he held it up.

"What?" Jimmy asked.

"I picked it." Scott said, "I couldn't do that before."

Jimmy looked at the poppy as well.

The cyan and green seemed to be outlining pictures onto the petals.

A picture of a wedding between an elf and a fish person.

The next petal showed a pufferfish and the guy who was outlined in cyan laughing at the guy who was outlined in green.

It was almost like you could hear them.

You could hear the laughter.

You could hear the people cheering at the wedding.

The third petal showed Scott and Jimmy kissing in Chromia.

Scott was outlined in cyan, and Jimmy was outlined in green.

Scott and Jimmy gasped.

It looked like the colors represented them and they were painting pictures of events that happened when they were together.

"But... I don't understand the other- "

"Shh." Scott shushed his boyfriend.

The final petal, instead of showing a picture, wrote the words,

'Flower Husbands'

Scott was worried that the pictures would disappear, but they didn't.

They stayed.

"What...what is this?" Jimmy asked.

"It seems like... these look like past events that we did."

Scott then understood why he couldn't pick the flower before.

It was waiting for the last memory to preserve.

To show Scott in his next life.

His next life, hopefully spent with the man he loved.


I love you.

And that's the end.

I think this was a good sequel to How The Change Has Timed. This is a lot better but that's because How The Change Has Timed was my first ever fanfic.


Let me know which book you liked better, why, and your favorite part about this book!

Is there anything you didn't like or would like to change? Let me know!

If you enjoyed this, I recommend reading The Witch & The Princess, and ESMP S2 Nature Wives fic or Where Home Is, an ESMP S1 fanfic.

Oh and imma be posting all my notes that I took for this fanfic (it's a lot). I also made a mistake of deleting chapters that I had rough drafts for that never made it into the story, so those don't exist anymore (sadly). But one draft took me ages to do and it was abt Sausage time traveling. And I deleted it. Soo don't delete your drafts bc it's really fun to go back and see the drafts that never made it into the book.


Imma be posting my notes but then this book will be done!!

Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you again soon.

Much platonic love,

Seth <3

A World Not Meant For Us- Flower HusbandsWhere stories live. Discover now