The Festival After Party

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Jimmy's Perspective-

The paper flew through the rift.

It got silent.

Someone then screamed and a bunch of people flew off from fear.

The only people left were Jimmy, Scott, Pix, and Sausage.

Sausage and Pix examined the note while Scott and Jimmy walked up to the rift.

Jimmy stared at it.

What's on the other side?

Jimmy reached his hand up to the portal when Scott grabbed his arms and pulled them down.

"Don't! Didn't you hear about what happened with Lizzie and fWhip?" Scott exclaimed, "They never came back, and we have no idea what's on the other side."

"Well clearly something or someone is." Jimmy said.

Scott shook his head and examined the note with Sausage and Pix who were mumbling to each other.

Jimmy stood in silence and heard a voice.

He didn't recognize it though.

"Wait guys." Jimmy gestured for his friends to quiet down, "I hear something."

The guys quieted down and walked up to the portal.

The voice sounded panicked and then it got fainter before disappearing.


Jimmy returned to the rift each day, hoping to hear the voice again.

The rift was getting bigger each day.

One day, when he was sitting in front of the rift, he heard a thump.

He turned around and saw Pix.

"Hey Pix." Jimmy waved, "Why are you here?"

"Same reason you are." Pix said, walking up to a crack in the rift.

He took out a measuring tape and started examining the cracks.

Jimmy's heart then skipped a beat.

He turned to the rift.

He felt like... someone was there.

He didn't know who, but it felt like there was a connection. As if he knew the person.

"Do you- do you feel that?" Jimmy asked, not taking his eyes off of the portal.

Pix was writing down the measurements and mumbling to himself.

"What?" He asked after a second, looking up.

"It- it feels like there's someone on the other side." Jimmy said cautiously.

"Do you hear them?" Pix asked, looking excited.

Jimmy shook his head, "No, I just... it feels like I know the person over there. Like I've lived with them."

He got up and reached his hand in front of the rift.


Tango was looking at the purple rift.

So this is what Grian meant by 'something important'.

Tango was about to leave when his heart leapt.

He froze and turned around to the portal.

He walked up slowly to the rift and the connection felt like it was getting stronger.

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