Pity Party

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Scott's Perspective-

"I was what?" Scott exclaimed.

Pearl nodded, "I came in here to drop off some sunflowers that I picked with Sausage earlier when I heard you shouting. I ran up here you were sobbing in your sleep. Is...is everything alright?"

"Yep." Scott said a bit too fast.

Pearl rolled her eyes, "Scott I heard and saw you crying and shouting, you can't lie to me."

Scott sighed and started to fidget with his hands.

"What's wrong, Scott? I just wanna help."

Scott stayed silent.

At some point, Pearl sighed and got up.

"Where're you going?" Scott asked but Pearl didn't respond and instead flew off.

Scott looked through his window and saw her fly in the direction of Tumble Town.

Fuck. Jimmy is the LAST person I want to talk to right now.

Scott grabbed his hair and pulled on it as he sobbed into his knees.

Pearl's Perspective-

Pearl flew into Tumble Town.

The sun was going down, but she was on a mission.

A mission to find Scott's boyfriend, Jimmy.

As she walked up to Jimmy's home, she heard two voices.

One that belonged to her good friend, Scar, and one that belonged to Jimmy.

It sounded like Jimmy was crying as well.

Huh, must be a pity party.

Just then, Scar said,

"I'm going to grab you some food, I have some cooking in the train."

"That'd be great, thanks." Jimmy said.

Scar walked out and closed the door.

He then turned and saw Pearl.

He gasped and clutched his heart while his friend laughed.

"Hey Scar!" Pearl smiled.

"Oh my cod Pearl you can't just do that!" Scar then laughed, "I need to get some food for the Sheriff, do you need something?"

Pearl nodded and explained how she found Scott crying and how she was going to get Jimmy to check up on him.

In the end, Scar nodded and said, "You know, it's funny, I heard Jimmy shouting and when I walked in, he was crying. He won't tell me what's wrong though; I'm a bit worried."

"Hm. Maybe they had similar dreams." Pearl pitched, "I know Scott's been worried about their relationship."

"Is it..." Scar dropped his voice, "Is it because of the market?"

Pearl nodded.

"Well, that makes sense. I mean, Jim's been worried about their relationship as well. Maybe it's best for them to talk to each other."

In the end, Scar was able to convince Jimmy to fly with Pearl to Chromia.

Jimmy didn't want to at first but when he heard how Scott was crying, he immediately sprang up and grabbed his wings.

Scott's Perspective-

Scott looked out his window and saw Pearl and Jimmy land.

Of fucking course.

He heard the door open, and Jimmy walked up.

His eyes were also red, and his face was wet.

Was he crying too?

"Hey Scott." Jimmy sat down on Scott's bed and started playing with his cyan hair.

Scott then burst into tears and hugged his boyfriend.

Jimmy hugged back and led Scott cry.

After a couple of minutes Scott caught his breath.

"I-I'm sorry." He said, wiping his eyes, "It's just- I've been s-so worried about us."

Jimmy went back to playing with Scott's soft and fluffy hair, "Why?" He asked gently.

Scott bit his lip.

"Is it with Tango?" Jimmy asked.

Scott hiccupped quietly and shook his head.

Jimmy nodded, "Well, if I'm honest, I've been worried about us as well."

"W-why is that?"

Jimmy hesitated but said, "I had another memory with Tango. But this time I know for sure that we were together."

Scott looked upset but didn't say anything.

"I think Tango saw it too but we're not doing anything about it." Jimmy paused to take a deep breath, "And...well I had a nightmare about it."

Scott looked up, shocked.

Jimmy smiled and nodded, "Yeah...it was about...well it was about me and Tango in Tumble Town when you showed up. You said how you loved me and how you thought I was cheating on you with Tango."

Scott's breath started rushing a bit.

Jimmy thought about his dream and then said, "You said you spoke to Sausage and said that you were talking about memories and that they must mean me and Tango used to live with and love each other. You said that I must love Tango and that I should leave you."

Jimmy finished and Scott started crying again.

"I-I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault I had that dream."

Scott hiccupped again and Jimmy kissed his forehead.

"I-I have been w-worried about T-Tango though." Scott said.

Sure, he wasn't telling the complete truth since he had a dream about Jimmy finding the black market, but Scott has been worrying about Tango.

More about the memories and the way they've been bothering Jimmy, but also a bit about where the memories were from.

Like what timeline.

He talked to Sausage today and Sausage didn't recognize the place that Jimmy had his memory in.

"Don't worry about it." Jimmy said, "And we're fine. I guess we just need to trust each other more."

Scott snuggled up on Jimmy's chest and eventually fell asleep, hoping this happy moment will last forever.

But that's not how things work in life.

We all know how the saying goes,

Nothing lasts forever.

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