The Color Kingdom Chromia

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Hey hey hey hey hey
This story is a sequel to my first ever fanfic 'How The Change Has Timed'. You don't have to read it to understand this but there's a little reference to it in this chapter and if you want to, you can go read that story! (Or not to spare yourself pain as it is very bad and my first fanfic).

This is Flower Husbands in Empires S2, enjoy!!


Scott's Perspective-

Chromia is a kingdom built on the colorful flower fields.

It is known as the color kingdom, and the home to llamas.

Their ruler is known as the man of color.

He has fluffy, cyan hair, a Scottish accent, a blue eye, and a gold eye.

No one knows whether he was born with the gold eye or not.

He doesn't seem to be bothered by it, so people just go along with it.

Their ruler wears a fedora and a colorful outfit that has magenta, pink, yellow, blue, and cyan.

He wears wings that matches the pattern of his outfit, and the Chromia banner that also has the colors.

Their ruler is very kind, mischievous, and caring.

He builds every building in Chromia and would help people when they need it.

Their ruler,

Scott Major.


"Owen, we've been over this a million times, you are not allowed to spit in the drinks!" Scott sighed as he scolded the tavern keeper who was none other than the orange loving llama, Owen.

Owen just stared at Scott and spat at him.

"No!" Scott said, covering his face with his hand.

He shook his head and showed Owen the complaints that people were leaving.

"See? They don't like you spitting at them or in the drinks." Scott pointed out as Owen looked down at the papers.

"Look, I know Chromia doesn't have many rules, but this needs to stop." Scott explained and then sighed as Owen didn't respond.

He walked out of the tavern, his head hurting.

Scott walked over to his notice board and took down one of the signs that read,

'Talk to tavern keeper'

I mean, I didn't really get it done...

Scott bit his lip, thinking.

He needed to come up with some way to stop Owen from spitting.

Scott then shrugged and looked at the other signs.

Oh, fuck that's right!

Scott put the blank sign back up and ran to his storage rooms.

He almost forgot what he had to do today.

He grabbed a spare banner from a chest and flew to his nether portal which was a way that the empires were connected.

Scott sighed as he rocketed off towards the Tumble Town portal.

He's so lucky I have a thing for a man in uniform or I would not do this right now.

He flew into Tumble Town and cracked up laughing.

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