The Hermits

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Tysm for 261 followers!! I really appreciate it. Beansi- recommended I update this fic.


Watch the video. Watch the video. Watch the video.

I cried when I saw it and I think it's the perfect intro for this chapter. Enjoy!

Jimmy's Perspective-

The next morning, Jimmy flew back to Tumble Town.

As he flew over the purple rift, he noticed it looked...different.

He flew down and stared at it.

What was once purple was now black and dark.

Jimmy picked up a nearby stone and threw it at the empty cave.

The stone hit the wall.

Jimmy gasped.

The portal's gone!

He was about to run and tell Pix when the yellow string appeared.

The scared and startled emotions were immediately replaced by excitement and wonder.

Jimmy turned around, looking at where the string was leading him.

The string then disappeared.

But it looked as if it was pointing to a kingdom in their land.

It was pointing in the direction of The Evermoore.

Right as he was going to take off, he chickened out.

The string disappeared. It could be leading me anywhere in the Evermoore and I could get lost.

Sure, the curiosity was killing him, but it felt safer to head back to Tumble Town, besides there was stuff done there.


Jimmy was looking at the unfinished rail and sighed.

Guess I'll have to work on that-

He heard a thump and turned around.

A man covered in scars stood in front of Jimmy.

"Well, hello there!" He smiled.

"I am Scar, from Hermitcraft. I have been told by a friend of yours that this is Tumble Town?" He bowed.

Jimmy froze as shock took over.

"I- I'm sorry, who are you?" Jimmy asked after a minute.


"And where did you come from?"


"I've never heard of Hermitcraft." Jimmy mumbled, eying Scar suspiciously.

"Well, Grian was messing with portals and somehow all of the Hermits ended up here!"

"Wait, wait, wait... portals?"

Scar nodded.

"You- you came through that weird purple rift thing?"

"Er- yeah, I think so. But I got split up and have no idea where all my friends are."

Jimmy was shocked.

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