The Festival...?

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Jimmy's Perspective-

Jimmy walked towards the festival and saw that he was the last one there.

Everyone was talking with each other, large smiles on their faces.

He saw Scott talking with Katherine and Shelby, his hand on a leash that was tied to a llama who was wearing orange.

"Welcome everybody!" Oli called, standing on a hill.

He had a guitar on his back and a colorful outfit on.

"Welcome to the festival! The festival full of fun times and memories!!" Oli announced.

Everyone clapped and he bowed.

"Yes, yes, thank you, thank you. We have a lot of fun games set up today! Archery, a little museum where I will tell you about the adventures I went through,"

Pix's eyes widened and a smile spread on his face.

"We have a pig riding race," Oli continued, "And at the end, a show in front of the portal where I will be presenting a song!"

Everyone clapped, but this was more scattered as he mentioned the portal.

Jimmy heard Lizzie sniff in the back.

Oli then clapped and everyone scattered off.

Jimmy wandered around, watching everyone.

He heard Joey and Shelby arguing, Katherine and Lizzie doing archery, fWhip, Joel, Sausage, and most of everyone else was pig racing.

Jimmy walked over to tent that was full of artifacts.

He saw Pix in there, looking in amazement at the dragon egg.

Jimmy's eyes widened, "I thought...I thought the dragon egg..."

"Left." Pix said, finishing Jimmy's sentence.

"But Oli must've somehow acquired it." Pix said before taking out his notepad and pen and rushing over to Oli, asking him questions.

Jimmy chuckled as he walked up to them.

"Well, I started out in Afterlife. It was nice place, but I was the last one left." Oli started and Pix was scribbling down fast notes, "And I ended up ascending up to the sky, trying to find my friend Sausage."

"Sausage? Like the one who lives in Sanctuary?" Pix asked.

"Er- I thought it was, but he doesn't remember Afterlife, so I don't really know."

Jimmy then walked over to where some people were watching Joey and Shelby get ready for a fight.

Sausage was announcing everything, and Katherine was standing nervously next to him, looking at Joey and then Shelby.

Jimmy sat down next to Scott who smiled.

Jimmy smiled back and then Sausage said,
"With that, let the fight begin!"

Jimmy watched as Shelby took out her wand and started aiming spells at Joey.

Joey yelped and hid behind a rock, getting out his bow.

He aimed it at her head and shot an arrow at her.

Shelby shouted in pain but ran over and slashed Joey with a shocking spell.

Jimmy then saw movement at the corner of his eyes and looked up to see Katherine, looking grim, walking away.

After a couple more minutes, Joey surrendered, and Shelby won.

"Wait..." They both said, looking around, "Where's Katherine?"

They both ran off into the festival, trying to find Katherine and Sausage said,
"Er- well I guess that's the fight! Shelby won and Joey ended up surrendering." Sausage said and there was some scattered clapping.

Oli then walked into the arena, "Well ladies and gentlemen; who's ready for my performance?"

Everyone got up and Jimmy saw some people looking nervous as they all walked up to the portal.

Jimmy sat down and stared at the glowing purple rift.

Oli took his spot in front of the portal and took a deep breath before grabbing his guitar and turning around.

He strummed the strings and smiled.

Everyone clapped, making him smile even more.

He then took a breath and was about to sing when everyone gasped.

Oli stopped, blinking.

"What?" He asked.

Everyone, looking horror struck was staring behind Oli.

Oli turned around and saw a piece of paper.

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