Everything great again

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"Mr. and Mrs. Lee?" "Yes?" "Could you please come in?" My parents nodded and followed the doctor down the hall. He opened a door and let them in, Changbin and I waited outside. He played with my hair while I rested my head on his shoulders. Since we left Soo-Ris room nobody had said a word. Now that my parents were in the room a wave of fear rolled over me. Will Soo-Ri survive? Will I be able to talk to him ever again? Will I see his smile for one last time? Was Soo-Ri still alive or... did he already leave me? A tear rolled down my cheek, thinking about the worst thing, that could happen. Changbin stopped playing with my hair and placed a kiss on it. "Don't cry, please." His voice sounded pleading. After a few more sobs I managed to stop crying and looked at Changbin for the first time since he came to the hospital. He noticed my look and gave me a weak smile. I could see that he was worried about Soo-Ri too, but he pretended to be strong. I know him since a long time. He might not show his emotions but he was definitely a person who empathised with others. One thing I totally loved about him.

A few minutes later my parents came back. My mother had red eyes from crying, my father looked tired. "Felix", my mother started. I looked at hear, ready to hear the bad news. "He... Will be able to make it. Probably", my mother said, tears streaming down hear face. I knew that these tears were tears of happiness, but the sight of her still tore my heart apart. I walked over and pulled her in an embrace, tears falling down on her shoulder. After a few more minutes Changbin and I went home. It was already 4 a.m. and my parents said, they'll text us, when Soo-Ri was awake again. Changbin and I had texted our boss' before, so we could get enough sleep. I think it wasn't even five minutes after I laid on my bed, when I fell asleep.

A week already passed and Soo-Ri was way better than before and said he wanted to show me something. That's why I was on my way to a practice room right now. After I knocked at the door I heard a voice shouting: "Come in!" I opened the door and entered. Soo-Ri stopped with his excercise and came over to me, pulling me in a tight hug. "Good to see you!" I nodded, patting his back lightly. "How are you?" "Way better. I'm still more careful, but I can dance without passing out in the three minutes", he joked. I smiled lightly, worried about that he would overestimate his power. "What did you want to show me?" "Well... I choreographed a dance and I'm not sure if something is missing." I nodded. "I don't know much about dancing, but we'll see." I smiled at him."You can sit down over there if you want." Soo-Ri walked over to the music system and after I sat down he started a song. His moves were pretty fluent, his expressions matched the dance very well. After he finished I clapped and nodded. "Looks pretty good." He smiled and drank a bit of water before he answered: "I like the chorero, but I still feel like something is missing." "Maybe you can try in the female parts to work a little more with your body. Try to go down with your body as deep as you can." Soo-Ri nodded. "Oh, and a few steps would look cool if you jump a little more." My brother nodded again and statred to practice the moves over and over again until he liked it. Two hours passed by and after a few more breaks and minutes of practice Soo-Ri danced the final version for this day.


When I headed home I thought about my brother. He has a lot of potential. Maybe he'll be able to follow his dream and become an dance teacher. Hopefully. The voice in my head apperaed. Maybe he... Shut up. The other voice in my head said. Don't think to negative, just enjoy the time you have with him. I skipped a song on my playlist and suddenly I heard the song. The song Soo-Ri had danced just a few minutes ago. I knew I knew the song, but I hadn't realised it was this song. I smiled when my thoughts went back to the practice room and my little brother who was able to live his dream now.

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