Happy late birthday Percy!!!

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So...im a couple days late, but why do I get the feeling that Percy would be too for anyone else's (but Annabeth's) birthday? I mean I still feel bad...but not as bad. Anyway, here's a one-shot type thing of Percy's 29th (wow he's getting old! For a demigod at least-) birthday. 

Percy's POV:

I woke up to a cold bed, and the smell of food wafting in. (Unlike the author in the mornings lol) I hopped out of bed and followed the scent to the kitchen where an angel was standing there flipping blue pancakes on the stove. I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around Annabeth's waist. 

"Happy birthday Seaweed brain!" She turned around and pecked me on the lips before going back to her pancakes. 

"Morning Wise Girl. How come you aren't in bed? You're never up this early!" I asked her as I rocked from side to side, Her body still in my arms.

"I wanted to make you breakfast in bed, but I'm not terribly surprised that the smell woke you up. It's like you have a 6th sense!"

"What can I say? I love food." 

"Again, not surprised. What do you want to do today? It's your birthday, so I got off work. Also, we're having your Mom, Paul, and Estelle over for dinner but we can do anything you want until about 5 when I have to make it."

"Can we go to the aquarium and then watch finding Nemo?" I asked, knowing I sounded like a small child but not really caring. Annabeth laughed at me and agreed. We ate breakfast, which consisted of delicious blue pancakes and blue milk. As soon as we were both ready we left for the aquarium and spent a few hours there before going home and watching finding  Nemo. About halfway through the movie, Annabeth looked at her watch and panicked.

"Shoot, I should have started dinner ten-minutes ago!"I paused the movie and followed her into the kitchen. 

"Why don't we just order a pizza? It's my favorite anyway, so it's not a big deal."

"No, I had a special dinner planned, we'll just eat ten minutes later than planned. It'll be fine. Go finish the movie!"

"Are you sure?" I asked, not wanting her to stress over it.

"Yeah," she smiled at me and pecked my lips before pulling things out of the fridge and pantry for dinner. "It's gonna be great."

"Alright..." I walked slowly back into the living room, giving her time to change her mind. She didn't. I finished finding Nemo and went back to the kitchen to find a bunch of (blue) personal meatloafs in the oven. Something was in a pot on the stove, and Annabeth was washing carrots. 

"It's more fun to watch movies with you, as amazing as Finding Nemo is." I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her like I had as she made breakfast earlier that day. 

"Sorry,  I just want dinner to be perfect for your birthday."

"Pizza is perfect as long as you're not stressed out," I pointed out.

"I'm not stressed, I just need it to be done on time so that I can give you your present after." I opened my mouth to tell her that one, being with her was a gift, and two, if she really had to give me something, she could before dinner, but she cut me off before I could get a word out.

"...And yes I know that you say that just my presence is a gift and that if I really have to give you something I could before dinner, you're mistaken." My jaw dropped awestruck at the woman in my arms.


"I can read you like a book, honey." She pecked my lips.

"Now go set the table so it's ready when your family gets here please." She smiled as she returned to her carrots. I went and set the table, and as soon as I finished, I heard a knock on the door. 

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