Fredrick Chase

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Idk if I mentioned this when I started this fanfic but I want this fanfic to hit every single stupid cliché so here's another one for you! Also the pic at the top is how I imagine Percy's eyes and I figured I'd put it up there because everyone says that when they think of sea green eyes they think bright green but they're forgetting the "sea" part and water is more blue so there's my rant on Percy's eye color lol
Enjoy! :D

I was bouncing with nerves sitting on the couch, waiting to spring up any moment. Why was I so excited? Because my daughter Annabeth was coming home!

She asked if she could bring a friend and although I wanted time alone with my Annabeth, I, being the kind father I am, ran it by Helen and we agreed that it would be fine.

Ding dong

The doorbell! Annabeth must be here! I wonder which friend she brought I thought to myself as I walked to the door to open it for her.

"Hi Annabeth!" I said with a smile as I opened the door. She stood there alone with no luggage or anything. "Come on in! Where's your friend?"

"Hey Dad! Thanks. Percy's coming, I made him carry the bags as punishment for being an extreme seaweed brain today." She giggled. Annabeth giggled. Thats new.

"I'm here!" A boy with black hair that looked like it had never met a brush and sea green eyes that bordered on teal ran up the porch steps taking them two at a time and stopped in the doorway, breathless. He handed one bag to Annabeth and held on to the other one as he leaned against the door frame to catch his breath. "Next time can you choose a lighter punishment? Your bag is heavy." He gave Annabeth baby seal eyes.

"We'll see about that." She smirked and walked inside to greet Helen and the twins.

"Percy Jackson." 'Percy' said to me. "I believe we met a few years ago? Thanks for letting me stay with Annabeth. We both got PTSD pretty bad on one of our quests and the nightmares still haven't gone away. I-I'm the only one who can calm her down. And vise-versa." His eyes turned darker and swirled sadly. Then I realized that they looked broken and that Annabeth's were similar.

"Yeah I remember now. You guys have been through a lot since then, huh." I guessed.

"You could say that..." He said as we walked in, closing the door behind him with his foot.

"Annabeth?" I called. She popped her head out of the kitchen.


"Could you show Percy the guest room?" I asked her.

"Sure. C'mon Perce, It's upstairs." She darted up the stairs in a heartbeat and Percy followed just as quickly.

"It's nice to have her back." I heard from next to me.

"Helen! Of course! I missed her, and Percy is a very kind boy if I remember correctly."
"Sorry for scaring you," She said. "I'm really sorry for the way I treated her when she was younger. I was scared and she didn't deserve that. And I like Percy too, I wouldn't be surprised if they told us they're dating over dinner."

"What? My little girl? Dating someone?"

"Well, she's not that little anymore...but yeah I think so." Helen said.

"We'll see about that..."


"Helen, this is delicious!" Annabeth said as soon as the boys had finished pestering Percy and Annabeth with questions about the demigod world.

Thank you Annabeth." Helen said politely. "I know that you deserve more than a nice dinner and an apology from me, but this is what I can give. I'm really sorry for behaving the way I did to you when you were younger, you were only a little kid and needed to be treated like one instead of a big scary demigod. I suppose I was scared of you but I'm not now and I hope you'll forgive me."

"Of course I forgive you Helen! Thank you for pushing me to run away because if I hadn't, I wouldn't have met Percy, and helped him save the world and who knows how my life would be without him. Dad and Helen, I don't think I ever actually introduced you to Percy. My boyfriend." Percy draped an arm around her and whispered something in her ear as Helen let out a triumphant;

"I knew it!" Followed by the twins chanting;

"Annie has a booooyyyyyfirend, Annie as a booooyyyyyyfriend!" Only to be shut up by Annabeth's death glare which for once was paired with a small smile. I really don't think she minded except that they were calling her 'Annie'

"So, you guys don't mind?" Annabeth asked, looking to me.

"No, it seems as if Percy has been there for you more then I ever have so I suppose I'm not allowed to argue." I said.

"See, I told you they'd be fine with it Wisegirl." Percy said.

"Hey, you were right for once Seaweed Brain!" She smirked and kissed him on the cheek.

"You missed," He said and Annabeth obliged, giving him a peck on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you more."

"Don't start this again."

"Im pretty sure you would be starting it again by saying that you love me more. Which if you didn't want to start it again, you wouldn't say."
"But since its true and you're just in denial, I always feel the need to say it."

"No, you're the one in denial," Annabeth said, and since I knew this would last all night, I suggested we watch finding Nemo, because its the twins favorite movie.

"Yes! Finding Nemo is the best movie ever!" Percy exclaimed.

"Ignore him, but sure, we'll watch Finding Nemo with you."

We ignore him just like we ignore the fact that this chapter is a day late...what chapter is a day late? But really, I am sorry. We've been really busy and I needed the extra day to get this done. Next week is Nancy Bobofit so we'll see how that goes!
Please request on here, I'm running out of ideas or clichés to work with! Also, (I freaking sound like a YouTuber lol) please comment and vote, and I'll see you next week!!!

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