Aria Evans

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Aria Evans (Mortal)

Hi everyone, I'm Aria Evans. I'm 17, a senior at Alternative High School. I have pastel pink hair and brown eyes. I'm going to tell you the story of the weirdest calculus class I've ever had. And there have been some weird ones. So here goes, I was heading into my third period with Ms. Grey and the class started out normally. Suddenly, about half-way through we heard a phone ringing from the front of the class. I was surprised to see Annabeth Chase, the nerdiest girl in school, pull out her phone from her bag. It had a weird picture of a pegasus on the back and had no case.

"You know the rule Ms. Chase, put it on speaker." Ms. Grey said to her.

"Ok, Ms. Grey," Annabeth said as she hit accept on the call. "Hey Seaweed Brain, I'm in calc so you're on speaker."

"Got it Wise Girl, Hi Annabeth's class, Hi Ms. Grey!" 'Seaweed Brain' said to us. The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't place it.

"Hello Percy, enjoying your family trip?" Ms. Grey asked. Of course the voice sounded familiar, it was Percy Jackson! Only like the hottest guy in the school...I digress.

"Yeah it's great, but I don't wanna disturb calc for longer than necessary so I'll cut to the chase." He paused for a second, probably waiting for a laugh because Chase is Annabeth's last name. Finally he sighed. "Anyway, since no one got my pun, seriously Annabeth, we have a crisis here at camp."

"Oh no what happened!" Annabeth asked, pretending to be worried.

"Um so basically the Stolls spiked Leo's Breakfast with extra caffeine and sugar so now he's running around like a maniac and burning stuff down...Ill keep putting the fire out but we really need you to get her and make a plan Wise Girl..."

"Oh no. Has Chiron sent the school permission for me to leave yet?" Annabeth asked him.

"Yeah it should reach you Ms. Grey in about 3,2,1..." We heard a 'ping' from Ms. Grey's computer and she said;

"Okay Annabeth, good luck getting this 'Leo kid' off his sugar high, we hope you'll be back before the end of the day." Ms. Grey told her.

"Annabeth, I'm waiting outside." Percy said to her, and she already had all of her stuff packed up.

"Okay thanks, I'll be out in a sec." she said and hung up the phone. "Thanks Ms. Grey!" Then she sprinted out of the room.

Weird Calc class, amiright?

Sorry this is a shorter one for you guys, I've been busy. More next Friday!!!
And sorry It's late, my parents weren't happy when they found out how much time I was spending on wattpad so I've stopped coming on here as much.


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