I got tagged

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So I got tagged by 1Multi_fandom_bitch1

So I looked up a tag because she didnt use one:

1. Addiction? Sugar

2. Best friends? Not gonna name them all, but the only one of wattpad is:

3. Birthday? Some point in December

4. Current mood? Happy, and tired

5. Favorite animal? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhm......i like them all? Actually, monkeys. My friends describe me as a cat-monkey because i love climbing things and when I jump down i always land on my feet.

6. Favorite cartoon? I don't really watch cartoons, but I love Dora the explorer as a smol bean

7. Favorite color? Mint green/teal/sea-green aka lots of them

8. Favorite movie? Top gun (I get teased a lot for being obsessed with aviation, but its all jokingly by my friends. I love them.)

9. Favorite food? Mac and cheese. I consider myself a critic.

10. Girls I trust? Not gonna use names, but M, E, and G

11. Guys I trust? ^^^ J

12. Favorite show? JATP (fun fact that's how I found @1Multi_fandom_bitch1  in the first place, on a Juke Fic)

13. Insecurities?  I'm not too insecure, but im super skinny and sometimes when I wear a tight shirt you can see my ribs, but it doesn't other me too much. I am a beloved daughter of God and I am beautiful.

14. Lame joke? "Are you Wi-Fi? Because I feel a connection" actually that's a cheesy pickup line, but its close enough. Also, whenever anyone asks me what's up, i say the sky. I did it to my crush's Dad once, and he asked if I'd been spending too much time with T, but I taught it to T in the first place so that's what I said.

15. Last person you hugged? My sisters i think? Yeah sister #3 and #5.

16. Hobby? Onewheeling. Look it up.

17.  Last person you texted? Lizzziedizzzie

18. Random fact? I LOVE JESUS (don't hate on me, i and I wont hate on you.)

19.  Relationship status? SINGLE with a crush, but im 14 and don't wanna date till im 15

20. Children (that's a weird one-) Uhhh unless you count my siblings, not that I know of???? No. ^

21. Person you miss? My Grandpa. He died in 2018, and My twin who  died before I was born.

22. Something you hate? LOUD CHEWING!!!

23. Something you Love? My family. Mess with them and I'll kill you. Yes I know how, I take jiujitsu and have multiple knives.

24.  Something you want? My driver license, but im too young *cry with me* (but I do start drivers training soon so yay!!!)

25. Last Person you called? My grandma on my Moms side'

26. Last person you slept with (another WEIRD one, but I'll include it bc the tag says to) No one? Unless you count putting my little sister to bed, and I laid with her...

28. Something you want in a significant other? A lot of things. He has to be willing to learn to swing dance if he doesn't know already, and willing to learn the perfect harmony dance with me, he has to be sweet, and caring, and good with kids, he has to be open to a lot of kids, he has to respect my wish to wait until marriage,  he has to put up with my book-rants, he has to be willing to go get me ice cream late at night whe  its that time of the month, we're only scratching the surface here, so im gonna leave it at that.

27. Where are you from?  I was born in Philadelphia PA, then I moved. I live in a different state now. Same time zone though.

29. Morning routine? Wake up, open shades, make bed, pray, teeth, hair, face, breakfast the end

30. How much do you weigh? 107lb

31. How tall are you? 5 foot 6 inches (because i can never remember which ones ' and which ones ")

So there you go! Hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about me, (and hoping that its worth it because i chose a ridiculously long tag) love you all!!!!

P.s. I'm not tagging anyone else because 1. I'm nice, and 2. The tag doesn't say to, and 3. i don't feel like it.


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