Alternate Universe

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It was the year 1981 , and Faye Black was staring at her son in amusement as he changed his hair color to orange. 

Sirius finally convinced Faye to go out with him during the winter break of sixth year , and soon after graduating they got married. 

After one year of their marraige , Faye and Sirius had a baby boy Leo , Leo Regulus Black and to their great surprise he was a metamorphamgus. 

Another fun fact was that he along with Lily and James's boy , Harry shared the same birthday, 31st July .

James and Sirius couldn't be any happier 

Leo looked like a mini Sirius except for his eyes they were bright hazel just like Faye's 

" Is he doing it again ? " asked Sirius amused, walking up to stand beside Faye in front of their son's crib, wrapping his arm around her shoulder

" Yes he is " said Faye fondly 

Sirius smiled 

" Alright I'm going on duty , you remember what to do if something happens right ? " asked Sirius anxiously 

Faye smiled at him and hugged him " I remember Siri, don't worry , we'll be alright " she said

Sirius sighed and nodded , then kissed her on the lips and Leo on the forehead 

Before leaving he said " I love you " 

Faye smiled at him and said " I love you too, take care " 

Sirius smiled at her and their son , then flew off on his motorcycle 

Neither of them knew what will happen soon


During the evening when Faye was going to keep Leo to bed , she felt the wards of the house changing 

When she looked out of the window panick filled her entire body because Ivan Dolohov and Evan Rosier were entering the house

She grabbed Leo and ran up to his nursery , locking the door and blocking it with the dresser 

She walked up to Leo who was sitting in the crib looking at his mother curiously , and said " Leo you are so loved , so loved , muma loves you , papa loves you , uncle Jamie and uncle Reg love you , be safe , be strong, I love you so much " with tears streaming down her face she leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead. 

Then took out her wand and started engraving an ancient runes on the wooden crib , suddenly the door blasted open and the death eaters came in , Faye protectively stood in front of her son.

" Move out of the way , we only want the boy " said Evan pointing his wand

" Please ! not my boy ! take me instead ! please ! " she said

" MOVE OUT OF THE WAY GIRL ! " shouted Ivan Dolohov

" NO ! "

" AVADA KADAVRA ! " shouted Dolohov and jet of green light sprouted from his wand and hit Faye

" LEEEEO ! " she shouted in pain and everything went black


Sirius who was alerted when the wards went off rushed to his house and to his horror , found it in ruins 

Fear crept up into his chest , " No ! , No ! " he whispered and ran inside the house towards his son's nursery to find the door broken down .

What he saw broke his heart into pieces , his beautiful wife was laying dead in front of their son's crib , her eyes , which ones sparkled with joy and mischief, were staring back at him cold and lifeless.

He Immediately fell to the floor breaking into tears and cradled her in his arms, " I'm sorry , I'm sorry " he kept whispering. 

He finally let go off his wife , with a kiss on her forehead, and then turned to his son's broken crib

" Please not my little star " he said 

Suddenly a squeak was heard and he bent down to see his son , " papa ' he whispered

Sirius broke into tears and hugged him close

Then he remembered " JAMES ! " he quickly took of his leather jacket and wrapped it around his son , with one last broken look towards his wife , he ran outside with his son and hopped into his bike , towards Godric's hollow.


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