Colourful snowfall

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I still can't believe I got Hedwig back , back in my timeline people always said that Hedwig and I were literally soulmates , one can't live without the other . I think Hedwig's love for me and my love for her bought us back together and I'm so happy and thankful for this.

Soon Christmas break was gonna start and as usual I was staying back , but something really unexpected happened.

One morning when Alice and I were having breakfast , the usual posts flew in and guess what to my great surprise Hedwig flew in , carrying two letters in it's beak. One letter was from grandma , sorry Mrs. Potter and another letter from a lady named Iris.

I took the letters from Hedwig , petted her wings and gave her some bacon, she excitedly hooted in response and flew away . " Your owl is so sweet " said Alice , who was sitting beside me , " yeah ,she is " I replied back fondly

I took out the first letter and started reading it :

Dear Faye 

You might not know me but I'm Jamie's mother , Euphemia . He writes to me about you all the time , saying how you help him in doing his homework , your love for quidditch , but there was one thing that striked me and my husband was that , he mentioned you being a cousin , we thought we were the only existing Potter's but I'm glad to know we were wrong . 

This Christmas we are going to visit my aunt in France , so we won't be in England this Christmas but I'll be really happy if you come to the Potter manor over the summer break and spend the last week of summer vacation with us .

Till then if you ever need me , I'm just an owl away

With Love

Aunt Euphemia 

I had tears in my eyes grandma sorry Mrs. Potter wanted to know me and dad , sorry James talks to them about me all the time . 

" Hey Fee are you alright ? "  asked Alice in concern

I wiped the tears of my face and nodded " yeah sorry it's just in all these nobody from my family has ever written to me , so seeing this letter from my aunt , got me a bit emotional " I said , Alice looked at me sadly , while patting my back.

" There's nothing to be sorry for , you don't have to be strong all the time , you know that right " Alice said , I nodded and gave her a hug 

She's the only person who knows what happened to my parents 


Third Person POV :

" Alright , Marls when I create the rainfall, you quickly perform the snow charm and turn it into snow and Allie right after Marls is done with snow charm , you perform the colour charm " Faye whispered to Marlene and Alice

They both nodded and said " Roger that "

Faye , Alice and Marlene quickly tip toed their way behind the gates of the great hall 

" Okay , girls are you ready " Faye said 

Alice and Marlene nodded

She smiled back then cleared her throat and said " 1, 2, 3 and performed the rainfall charm " 

The clouds began to thunder and rain started to fall , followed quickly by Marlene performing the snow charm , then Alice performing the colour charm

There was a colourful snowfall at Hogwarts and students immediately started cheering , the marauders were shocked

It took the teachers half an hour to calm  everyone down and Professor Flitwick immediately performed the reverse charm , which stopped the snowfall . The students , teachers and the entire great hall was covered in coloured snow .

The trio took advantage of the situation and sneaked into the great hall , and tried to look as shocked as everyone else in the hall.

When they turned to the teachers table , Professor Dumbledore was giving them a knowing and impressed  look , the three girls were shocked

" How on earth did Dumbles get to know that it was us ? " asked Marlene 

" Yeah that's what's confusing me , we were pretty secretive about this " said Alice equally shocked

" I think it's not just Dumbledore look there " said Faye

The girls turned to their right and saw the marauders looking at them impressed , and Sirius was looking at Faye like a lovesick puppy 

The three of them immediately ran upto them , telling them not to disclose their secret

They agreed on one condition that the girls will be helping them in their next prank 

" Oh and one more thing ! Faye , sweetheart would you go on a date with me ? " asked Sirius

 James , Peter , Marlene and Alice began to laugh and Remus facepalmed 

Faye looked shock before saying " No " 

Sirius playfully pouted 

Soon they made their way to the common room

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