Inkmare story that I came up with on a bike ride pt 2

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@LillyTrumble wanted Error's reaction so > :3

*Error's PoV*

I tried not to seem devastated during Nightmare and Ink's marriage. Did Ink even want this? Every time he stated his hate for Nightmare started to whirl around in my thoughts. I tried to shake the thoughts away. For all I knew, I could glitch the thoughts into reality somehow and fuck things up. Even if Ink didn't want this, I'd have to deal with Nightmare.

The worst part is that I'd have to live in the same place as the love of my life. Ink. I'd be so close yet so far. I closed my eyes to stop myself from crying. I just told myself I'd get over it. I'd get over it. I'd get over it. I'd get over it.

After the wedding, I ran into my room to just... cry. I didn't want to talk to Nightmare or Ink. Or anyone. Dust must have heard me crying because he came into my room- WITHOUT KNOCKING, MIND YOU- and said, "Will you stop bawling your eyes out!?"

"Why don't you KNOCK!?" I spat back, rubbing away tears with my sleeve.

Dust snorted and walked off, WITHOUT CLOSING THE DOOR! "CLOSE THE DOOR, GODDAMNIT!" I shouted. After a few seconds, I figured that Dust either hadn't heard me or just didn't want to close the door, so I got up and closed it myself.

After a while, I managed to cry myself to sleep. When I woke up, I was in a slightly better mood but was dreading having to eat breakfast and see Ink, who I assumed would be sitting next to Nightmare. However, instead of waking up to someone getting me for breakfast, I woke up to Umlord poking my face.

"Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey," she mumbled, still poking me.

"Wha-at the!?" I shouted and shot upright. "THE HE-ELL!?"

"Morning, Glitchy. I was hoping you'd head to the Multiverse Mall with me," Umlord said, combing her golden hair with her fingers.

"Why should I?" I asked. Her annoying fun-sized dragon flew around me, and I swatted at it a bit.

"Cause I figured you wouldn't want to eat here," Umlord said, smacking my hand out of the way before it hit her dragon.

When we got to the mall, Umlord started looking for someone. "Are you checking to see if your dad finally got the milk?" I asked.

"Nah, he's not gonna. I think he's still trying to find milk," Umlord said. "There she is!" Umlord started to run over to someone, and it took me a moment to realise who it was. Sorrow.

Umlord walked at Sorrow's side, not arguing for once.

"Oh, yeah, you must not have," Umlord said. "So what do you guys wanna eat?"

I just shrugged. "I just want to get yesterday out of my mind."

"I actually already ate," Sorrow said.

"Look at you, actually getting food! How about we go to... uhm... the... fuck, this place is huge. There are so many places! It's not even a regular mall, Ink really outdid himself here! I mean, he did have help, but still!"

I cringed at the mention of Ink.

"We could go to the clothing store," Sorrow suggested.

"Alright," Umlord said, shrugging, and we started heading there.

After a bit of walking, Umlord exclaimed, "Ta-da! Clothing store!" Umlord led Sorrow over to the women's section, and I headed over to the men's. I wasn't actually gonna buy something. I had all the clothes I needed.

After the trip to the mall, I felt better. I decided to do a thing. A thing that may have been a mistake. I called up Fresh and told me to meet him in the Anti-Void. Needless to say, contacting my brother was a mistake.

"BROSKI! WASSUP?" Fresh said, hugging me and not letting go for a solid 86 bajillion years.

"LET GO OF ME!" I shouted. "And I'm fine, I don't even know why the [duck]- FRESH I SWEAR- I called you," I said, wanting to cuss him out for censoring me.

"Sorry, Broski, but cussing is a BIG no-no!" Fresh said, shaking his index finger at me.

Sighing, I took a few steps away from him. "I guess I'm just bothered by Ink and Nightmare getting married," I mumbled.

"Don't worry, Broski! I'm sure things'll work out!" Fresh said, smiling at me with a grin so large it was as if it were wrapping itself around me in a hug.

I shook my head. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks, Fresh," I said.

Before I could go, Fresh wrapped his arms around me in a hug. "You're not going right now, are you, Broseph?"

"Augh, fine, I'll stay," I said, closing the portal I'd opened and shoving him away from me. "Just don't touch me!"

And then, as if some higher being had demanded he did so, he started to poke the air around me, saying, "I'm not touching you," whenever I complained. When he finally stopped, he helped comfort me further. Despite his constant harassment, he's not that bad. I guess.

When I got back to the castle again, I was in the best mood I'd been in since Ink and Nightmare had gotten engaged. I still wasn't happy, but I wasn't in my room bawling my nonexistent eyes out!

Smh dumb rules and shit got in the way of me getting this out. But, even if rules get in the way of me getting oneshots out, they'll never stop me!

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