Errorink story-

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Wow, look at that! The image works well for this chapter! Yaaaaaaay!

3rd person's PoV

Somewhere in the antivoid was a small family of 4 skeletons. Two of them were children, the other two were their parents. The children played around outside. Roughhousing, chasing each other, tossing a ball, racing, everything young children do around here.

The adults, however, were just watching. Well, one of them was. The other was knitting, ignoring his playful children and loving spouse. One of the children walked up to his parents. "Can you guys play with us??" he asked. "Sure! Why not?" the actually good parent who bothered to look at his kids said.

The other skeleton just sat there, continuing to knit. "Heya, Glitchy. Didya catch what Gradient said?" his loving spouse said. There was no response. "Ugh, Errorrrrrrrrrrrr come oooooooon!!" the skeleton said to his glitchy partner, tugging on his arm.

"Do I have to?" the glitch asked his partner, actually bothering to look at him.

"Yes! Now come on," the skeleton responded.

"Leave me alone, Ink," the glitchy skeleton said.

"But Gradient wants us toooooooooo!" Ink replied, tugging more on Error's arm.

"Fine," Error said with a sigh.

For the next few hours, the 4 skeletons spent time together. Error, of course, didn't really take much enjoyment over the actual spending time part but was happy to see his family happy.



Future me: Wow that was a short ass story

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