For the Better or for the Worse?

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Chapter 5


As Gauche strolled through the bustling streets of the town, a noticeable change in his demeanor caught the attention of the people he encountered. The once aloof and distant mage now wore a warm smile on his face, radiating an air of approachability that was unfamiliar to those who knew him.

A man called out to him.

Man: "Hey, Gauche! Haven't seen you around much lately. What's got you in such a good mood?"

Gauche paused, turning to face the man with a genuine smile.

Gauche: "Oh, nothing in particular. Just feeling good today."

Curious glances and whispers spread through the crowd as Gauche continued his amiable stroll. People exchanged surprised looks, their curiosity piqued by this unexpected change in one of the Black Bulls' most feared members.

As Gauche made his way through the town, he couldn't help but notice the startled expressions on people's faces. Some cautiously approached him, hesitantly accepting his offer to help carry their belongings.

Woman: "Are you going to see your sister?"

Gauche: "Yes. Do you know where the church is by the way?"

Woman: "Just keep walking straight and you'll see it. Are you alright? You go there very often."

Gauche: [smiling]" Just slipped my mind is all, have a good day."

As he approaches the church, he sees Sister Theresa standing outside. She notices him and greets him, but her tone is cautious.

Sister Theresa: "Gauche. What brings you here?"

Gauche: "Hello sister, I came to see Marie. I know she's been staying with you, and I wanted to check in on her."

Sister Theresa: "I see. Well, she's doing as well as can be expected. But I have to ask, Gauche. What's gotten into you? You're acting...different."

Gauche: "Different? I'm not sure what you mean."

Sister Theresa: "You didn't even call me a hag. You're acting like a completely different person. It's...unsettling."

Gauche: "I'm not sure what to tell you, Sister. I'm just in a good mood, I suppose."

Sister Theresa: "I see. Well, I'm glad to see you're in good spirits. But please, be careful around Marie. You know your obsession can get out of hand"

Gauche: "I understand, Sister. And I assure you, I'm just here to see Marie."

As he enters the church, Gauche sees Marie sitting quietly in the back, lost in thought. He approaches her and sits down beside her.

Gauche: "Hello, Marie. It's been a while."

Marie looks up and sees him, but doesn't say anything.

Gauche: "Ready to go to town?"

Marie: "... Okay..."

As Gauche engaged Marie in conversation, Sister Theresa watched from a distance, her watchful eyes observing their interaction.

Deep down, Sister Theresa held a glimmer of hope that this change in Gauche might bring about a positive shift in his relationship with Marie, fostering a bond built on care and support rather than obsession. 

Sister Theresa's mind wandered back to the day Gauche had first come to visit Marie after escaping prison and joining the Black Bulls. It had been a moment of uncertainty and trepidation for the young nun. She had guarded Marie fiercely, determined to shield her from any potential harm. Gauche's arrival had stirred a whirlwind of emotions within her before and regretfully even in the presence of a warmer tone from Gauche, that feeling of unease from that time still kept her at a distance.

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