The house🏎️🚦

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Once everyone had arrived at the house, it was about 1 in the morning and everyone was utterly exhausted. Seb had sent everyone to find a room and sleep. They would sort everything out in the morning but for now sleep was the most important thing.

Kimi woke up with Seb wriggling in his arms.
"Bwaoh stop moving" - Kimi
"Sorry, i'm hungry tho, let me out" - Seb
Kimi just grumbled and tightened his arms around Seb.
"Kimiiiiiii let me go, we need to go downstairs and make sure the kids haven't murdered each other yet" - Seb
Kimi sighed but eventually let Seb up. Seb walked around and grabbed Kimi arms and pulled him to his feet, they stood there for a couple of seconds just leaning against one another until deciding they would made their way downstairs. There wasn't many people who were awake. The only ones down there were Kevin, Hulk, Mark and Jenson.
"Do you guys know if we have anything for breakfast?" - Seb
"Nope. everything's empty we have nothing" - Jenson
"Okay, let's go to the shops really quickly and just grab the basics. Once everyone's awake we can do a proper shop for food and everything else we need" - Seb
Just then a new voice joined the conversation
"Alcohol, we need alcohol if we want to survive these kids" - Valtteri
"Bwoah he's right" - Kimi
"Okay, but again let's do it later. Seb for now i'll go to the shops and get bread eggs flour and milk. And some cereal." - Jenson
"Do you need me to go with you?" - Seb
"No Seb, you just rest. We all know you weren't well before the flights and we need you back in full health if we want to wrangle these kids in order" - Jenson
Jenson then stood up from the couch and walked towards the front door, he grabbed the car keys and then went out to the car.

Inside everyone was relaxing on the couches before they heard a big bang from the stairs. Everyone rushed out towards the stairs where in front of them they saw Lando and George on top of each other with Charles and Alex behind them laughing their heads off.
"Lando tripped and then decided to take George down with him" - Alex
"Oh god, are you guys okay??" - Mark
"Yup we're all good, a little bruised but nothing much"
- Lando
"Okay, we can grab some ice if you want" - Seb
"Nah we're good. Just very hungry. Do we have any food?" - George
"No we don't, Jense has gone out to get some" - Mark
"Awww, ok" - Lando
Eveyone had got back on their feet and made their way into the lounge. Seb decided to put the TV on and soon everyone was so engrossed in watching the episodes of Sponge bob that they didn't notice Jenson coming back in.
"Hey guys" - Jense
"AAHHH" - Everyone
"omg don't scare us like that" - Alex
"Yeah Jense what the hell" - Mark
"Sorry guys i thought you heard me come through the door" - Jense
"Nope, anyways let's get started on breakfast" - Seb
"Seb take it easy, just rest okay?" - Kimi
"Kimi i'll be fine to make breakfast" - Seb
"Okay, but please just go easy i don't want you sick again. We both know your immune systems crap"- Kimi
"Rude" - Seb mumbled as he and Jenson made their way into the kitchen, everyone else just returned to sponge bob. More and more people seemed to filter into the living room untill the only people left were Fernando and Mick. Both who were still sleeping upstairs. During the 12th episode of Sponge bob, Fernando came down, it was now about 10:00 but he was tired so who could blame him. He went straight to Mark and just sat down in his lap.
"Hey baby, you okay?" - Mark
"Sì, i'm ok" - Nando
Mark kissed Nando's temple and pulled him closer. Their attention turned back to the screen.

Half an hour later all of breakfast was finally done They had made pancakes, toast, french toast, scrambled eggs, fried eggs and cereal. Eveyone came pouring into the dining room and once they had all sat down Seb realised that Mick was missing. He told Kimi who went upstairs to get him.
"Baby bear, it's time to wake up. Breakfast is ready" - Kimi
Mick mumbled into the pillow and shifted a bit but still didn't wake up. Kimi began to rub his hand up and down Micks arm while continuing to attempt to wake him up. Mick shifted some more but finally cracked his eye open.
"Mimi?" - Mick
"Hiya, breakfasts ready"'- Kimi
Mick sat up and pushed the covers off him, he then stuck his arms out at Kimi and made small grabby hands. Kimi got the hint and picked him up.
Mick wrapped his legs around Kimi and then buried his face into his neck.
"Still tired?" - Kimi
"Yeah, my head hurts too" - Mick
"We'll get some meds into you and you'll be okay" -
Mick just nodded and layer his head on Kimi's shoulder.
They entered the dining room and everyone turned towards them all concerned if Mick was okay. Kimi told them he was fine and then went to grab his meds. Once he was back everyone started to devour breakfast. It was nice to spend time with all the drivers again. Even if it was just breakfast. Towards the end Seb announced that everyone needed to get ready to go to the shops and needed to get back down for 12:15. After all the plates had be cleared and the table was clean. Everyone was upstairs getting ready. Seb sighed knowing that taking the kids shopping was going to be tricky and no doubt include some shopping trolley racing. He was not wrong.

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