Singapore Qualifying🏎️🚦

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After spending a couple of days at home the drivers had flown out to Singapore. It was very hot out there so a lot of them were having ice baths. Nico H and Kevin had to share one but neither minded as they were both half naked. Oscar enjoyed the ducks in his and Lando had an amazing time playing with his "bubbles".

It was time for qualifying and after the the practices sessions everyone was excited to see who would take pole. Everyone had got ready and they were all ready for the session to begin.

Seb, Kimi and Mick were enjoying watching the qualifying from home. Up until the part when Lance crashed. They were all very scared when they saw the damage but were so thankful when he got out and was walking.

Esteban had also asked over the radio whether or not he was responding in a very panicked tone but was told that he was okay.

The rest of qualifying was even more interesting. The two red bulls didn't make Q3 and Liam had knocked out Max. Carlos grabbed Pole and the two Mercedes did very well to get P2 and P5.

The drivers all knew that the race tomorrow was going to be very interesting and none of them could wait.

Oscar was annoyed that he was only P17. He knew it wasn't Lance's fault but he was still absolutely crushed. He was pretty angry at everyone and just wanted to go home and be with Logan. But instead he was forced through media and debrief which he sat through bring his tongue. As soon as he was free he sprinted to the hire car he had the weekend and got back to the hotel. He unlocked his room and slumped against the door and fell to his knees crying.

What Oscar didn't notice was that Logan was sat on the bed and was waiting for him to come back. As soon as Logan saw Oscar fall against the floor he rushed over to his boyfriend and wrapped him in his arms. Logan whispered into Oscar's hair and kissed him on the forehead."Osc, hey baby. It's okay, it's okay." Logan rubbed Oscars back and held him close. Oscar continued sobbing harshly into Logan's chest. He was struggling to breathe at this point and Logan was getting worried he would make himself sick.

"Baby you need to breathe, okay" Logan pulled back from Oscar slightly and cupped the side of his face "Osc breathe with me, breathe yeah. In and out, nice and slow" Oscar slowly started to calm down and leant against Logan. "I'm sorry" Oscar spoke in a broken voice, "No, no baby it's okay. It's okay. You can be angry or sad or whatever and it's fine. Don't stress." Logan tilted Oscar's chin up and pressed a soft kiss to Oscars lips. Oscar kissed back after a bit and they slowly made out. Neither of them wanted to escalate it as they were both tired and Logan didn't want to stay on the floor much longer. He stood up and gently lifted Oscar up of the floor. Oscar clung to him like a koala and buried his head into the crook of Logan's neck.

Logan went and sat down on the bed and leaned against the headboard. "Do you wanna have a shower baby and i'll order us something to eat? we can have dinner in bed and then just cuddle with netflix?" Logan said, "Yeah that sounds good. Can i borrow a hoodie?" Oscar replied. "Steal you mean?" Logan raised an eyebrow and lightly tickled Oscar who proceeded to shriek and wiggle out the way. "That's not fair, you can't be mean to me" Oscar pouts back at Logan. "Sorry baby" Logan kisses Oscar's pout away then taps his side to signal they should get up. "Come on, shower now". Oscar gets up a bit reluctantly and walks into the bathroom to start the shower, Logan grabs a hoodie from his suitcase and gives it to Oscar. He then goes and looks at the menu and grabbed some more pillows and blankets for the bed.

About 10 minutes later Oscar came out of the bathroom. He was dressed in Logan's hoodie and pair of boxers. Logan's hoodie drowned him and made him look even more adorable. Logan had also changed into a pair of joggers but hadn't bothered with a top as it was quite warm.

"Come here baby, food's already here" Logan opened his arms and Oscar immediately snuggled up to him. They began to eat the food and Oscar was feeling much better than before. He was still a bit bumpy and tired but laying with his boyfriend made everything much better.

That couldn't quite be said for Charles as right now Max was currently fuming and almost had smoke coming out of his ears. He was very pissed off at only being P11 and had yelled at his boyfriend, slammed the door to Charle's room and left.

After leaving everyone alone for a little, he calmed down and came to his senses. He went back to Charles hotel room and knocked on the door. Charles opened it with a red eyes and messy hair, it was clear he had been crying. Max immediately spoke up and apologised "Charlie i'm so sorry. I know it's not your fault and i was completely out of line by being annoyed at you. I'm so proud of you getting P3." Charles just fell into Max's arms and cried. "It's okay, i know you are sorry i was just shocked at the yelling and was upset. I love you Maxie and i wanna help when your upset" Max kissed Charles's hair and whispered back "I love you too. I'm so sorry" Charles pulled away from Max and then rose up on his tippy toes and kissed Max. Max immediately kissed back and they both made their way to the bed. Things started to become very heated and clothes were thrown onto the floor. They had a fun night and Charles wasn't really looking forward to getting in the car tomorrow but it was worth it because it was Max.

The rest of the drivers were coupled up together and enjoying their partner's presence. Many of them were cuddled up in their rooms relaxing before the intense race tomorrow.

Lance and Esteban were face timing Mick who was curled up in their bed at home with Angie and the two sharkies. Mick missed his boyfriends a lot and was annoyed he couldn't be there for Lance but Lance insisted that he was fine. Both he and Esteban were missing Mick too and they wished he could be there with them. They did eventually end up falling asleep on the call and Mick hung up on them to make sure Lance's phone wouldn't die. Mick was tired too so he decided to take a nap. He didn't wake up until later when Kimi called him down for dinner. They didn't have anything particularly weird, just some sausage mash and beans. After they all sat snuggled up in the living room watching some sort of crime movie. Mick fell asleep half way through the movie and when it was time for bed Kimi just carried him upstairs.

All of the drivers were by now asleep and tomorrow was going to be exciting.

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