Flight time 🏎️🚦

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Once all the cars had arrived at the airport, everyone piled out of their cars, eveyone in Carlos's car looked absolutely exhausted. Kimi was out of his car and immediately went to Seb to make sure he was okay. Seb said he was feeling a lot better but still had a light headache. Both of them then walked to Mick to ensure he was okay too. He was leaning into Esteban heavily and looked almost like he was going to be sick.
"Baby bear what's wrong? you look awful?" - Kimi
Mick just moved away from Esteban and fell into Kimi's arms. Kimi immediately wrapped his arms round Mick and kissed his head.
"What's the matter Mickey?" - Kimi
Asking the same question twice was something Kimi didn't enjoy doing but he needed to know.
"I'm fine, just don't feel good" - Mick
"Anxiety don't feel good or you don't feel good because of something else" - Kimi
"Anxiety" - Mick
Mick mumbled into Kimi's chest, he was squeezing him so tightly Kimi didn't think he would ever let go.
"Sweetheart we need to get going" - Seb
"I know" - Mick
Mick pulled away from Kimi slowly, he turned to look at Seb, Seb pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back and gave a quick kiss to his temple then pulled away.
"Right guys we need to go, grab the bags and let's get going" - Seb
All of the kids grabbed their bags and started running off towards the security gate. Jenson mumbled something about murdering those kids but Seb paid no attention. His focus was on the young german, limping with both boyfriends either side of him. He was worried, very worried he had rarely seen Mick so scared before and on top of that he was looking sick. Not extremely sick but sick enough that all Seb wanted to do was bundled him up and take him home. But they couldn't do that. Instead they had to all go through the security measures which sounded easy in theory but the kids were being very chaotic and had somehow ended up scattered all around security. The adults had to spread out and gather the kids back to right gate. Once everyone had gone through security, they had to walk to little bus which would take them to the jet. With some miracle they managed to get everyone onto the plane safely and somehow everyone was sat down in the seat talking quietly to one another. Now they were on the plane both Seb and Kimi could now asses the state Mick was in. He looked cold and was shivering every now and then. He curled into him self as much as he could and was gripping Lances and Esteban's hands tightly. Mick being sick as well as him being scared for the flight was not looking great, Seb didn't know what to do, he looked at Kimi for help who didn't look back but instead was staring at Mick. At that moment the pilot came on the intercom and started to say they were going to take off. Mick immediately looked up at Seb and Kimi, Seb could tell that this was going to be a horrible flight. At that point Valterri spoke up
"Hey Mick, swap with me, sit with Seb and Kimi" - Val
"W-what?" - Mick
"Swap, come on. It's okay" - Val
"Ok" - Mick
Mick stood up and very shakily walked over to Seb and Kimi, after Valterri had got up, Kimi moved into Vals old seat so Mick could sit in the middle of them. Mick fell into the seat and immediately buckled his seat belt. Kimi placed his arm around him and tugged him close, Seb took Mick's hand and gently started rubbing circles into the back of it in hopes of calming him down. The plane started to rumble underneath them and it began to speed up. Charles who was sat behind Seb was in a very similar position with Max and Daniel, Max had his arm wrapped round him and Charles's face was buried into Max's neck. Eveyone could sense that a few around them were nervous. Nando had also taken hold of Oscars hand and Logan had the other. He was trying to distract his boyfriend by telling him stories. It was somewhat working as Oscar hadn't notice that they were in the air. Mick and Charles had unfortunately noticed it and both had a couple of stray tears running down their face. Max quickly brushed them away with his thumb and gave Charles a small kiss
"Schajte it's okay. We're okay, i promise i won't let anything happen to you. I love you charlie" - Max
Charles just continued to snuggle into Max and was very relieved when the seatbelt sign turned off. As soon as the familiar ding was heard he unbuckled himself and sat in Max's lap burying his face into Max. Max just cuddled him and pulled him close, knowing that although the flight was only 4 hours, it was still going to be long. Meanwhile Kimi had got Mick's breathing under control and sat him on Kimi's lap. Seb was still tucked in next to them and kept rubbing his hand up and down his back. Likewise when the seatbelt sign had turned off Lance and Esteban rushed over and gently took one of Mick's hands. They held it gentley it and it eventually bought Mick back down. Now that everyone was calm Seb suggested they make a pillow pile on the floor which they could all lie down on. Everyone in their small area of 6 began placing pillows and blankets down on the floor, the spare blankets were used to wrap people up in but it was fairly warm on the plane so not too many were needed. Once the pile was finished everyone shifted onto it and began to lay down with another. The other areas of the plane saw what they were doing and quickly began copying. The entire plane now was just a sea of blankets, people and pillows. Everyone was tired and so after finding their cuddle partners one by one they began to drift off. Surprisingly a lot of the drivers slept for a while and the plane was peaceful and quiet. But the quiet didn't last long, not when Lando was beginning to wake up. He cuddled into Carlos even further which wasn't really possible but then pulled away and slowly and silently got up. Once Lando was fully awake he decided that now, was the perfect time for the Taylor Swift Concert.
He quietly woke up Max, Charles and Daniel and they all moved to the front of the plane.
"Guys i think there's people we really shouldn't disturb. We can't wake up Seb, Kimi, Mick, Lance and Estie. We all know Mick's not well, neither is Seb" - Daniel.
"Yeah, Dan's right we really shouldn't wake them up."
Max had gone further up the plane, looking in cupboards to see if anything wouldn't wake the 5 up. He managed to find some workers earmuffs which blocked out all the sound. He ran back to the group with the goods and handed them out.
"Put these on everyone. It will keep them asleep" - Max
"Yesss, omg Max this is perfect. Ok people let's go. Max connect your phone to the speakers and the mics" - Lando
"Okay" - Max
The boys got quickly to work and secured the 5 in the soundproof headphones. They then made themselves a little stage at the front of the plane and each got their mics ready.
"3, 2, 1 Go!"
Suddenly there was Taylor Swift blasting out of the speakers, The boys began to sing and every one of the drivers was awake by now, Some had jumped out of their skin when the first sound was made. After a few seconds the rest of the drivers actually found it quite funny and began to sing along. Yuki got up on the 'stage' and started to sing along with the group. By the end of the song everyone was laughing and screaming. After it had finished the pilot came onto the intercom
"We are beginning the decent to Majorca, please can everyone return to their seats as we will be landing in 25 minutes" - Pilot
The drivers all applauded the group and then got to work on tidying up the plane. Lewis approached Seb's group and gently shook everyone awake. They began packing up as well and returned to their seats, most of them still rather sleepy. The plane began to fly lower and lower and got a bit bumpy everyone had braces themselves for the landing and the plane touched down rather smoothly which many of them were grateful for. Once the plane stopped moving everyone stood up and began to leave. They walked out of the plane straight to the cars which would take them to the house. Each of the drivers were excited and the holiday was just beginning.

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