We are Stupid🏎️🚦

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It was now Wednesday and all the drivers were packing up to get their flights for the Monza Race Weekend. They were pretty excited about this one and most couldn't wait to start driving. Daniel had to stay home due to his wrists but he and Tonio would soon be going to Spain to see a specialist.

The drivers had loved Ikea yesterday and it was safe to say they had got the furniture and everything else they needed.

It was about Mid day when the last of the drivers had left for the airport the adults remaining breathed a sigh of relief. Lando had been whacking and strangling people up in his new worm plushie and Mick had used the shark as a weapon against Daniel and Kevin too. He was glad those toys wouldn't hurt or cause any harm, because he could not deal with more people being injured. When Lando had left he gave the worm to Daniel for some comfort for his wrists and told him to guard it with his life. Now however, it was peaceful and the only people left in the house were Seb, Kimi, Daniel, Tonio and Nyck.

Seb was starting to prepare some dinner for everyone. He decided that becuase all of the fussy drivers had left, that he was going to make a creamy chicken stew. He began chopping the chicken and vegetables and then added it all to the broth. It would need a couple of hours until it would be ready so he left if simmering on the pan. Once he was done he then returned to Kimi who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, he sat down next to him and snuggled into his side. Kimi just wrapped his arms around him and let Seb relax. A couple of minutes later Nyck wondered in.
"Guys" - Nyck
"Oh Hey Nyck, you okay?" - Seb
"Yeah, umm i was just wondering how we are going to decorate the house? i mean i don't think any of us got screwdrivers, pain brushes or anything like that" - Nyck
"This means we are going need another ikea run" - Kimi
"Oh no, not again. The kids are not coming." - Seb
"Mmm i agree, let's go on Friday, after we've built the furniture." - Kimi
"Yeah, i agree. Let's set the rooms up and see what else we need" - Seb

Kimi just nodded at Seb who took out his phone to message the groupchat.

F1 2023 Gridchat

Grid mum: Guys we have some news, we didn't buy any tools for the house

Banana: We are stupid

Ham: does this mean another ikea trip

Brittany: Omg yeah does it?

Maple syrup: Yeah??

Golden retriever: I want another sharkie!!!

Estie bestie: Baby no. You already abuse us with the first

Golden retriever: For that i'm getting another one and i'm gonna hit you with both

Honey badger: Do you get pleasure from hitting your boyfriends?

Golden retriever: Yes😌

Golden retriever: Wait that sounds really dirty. No Daniel, i just enjoy hitting them when they annoy me.

Banana: 😭😭 Mick

Maxy: Well said Mick

Milkboi: Los i'm going to start hitting you with wormy

Pastry: Wormy😭

Milkboi: Yes wormy, do you have a problem Oscar?

Merica🇺🇸🦅: Baby what have you done

Pastry: No, no problem with the worm 🪱 I love wormy💕💕🤟🤟🪱🪱

Jense: I'm scared for our child guys

Nando: Same, Mark help him

Multi 21: Oscar you need to start sticking up for yourslef

Pastry: But i don't want to hurt peoples feelings

Maxy: I don't care i do it anyways

Multi 21: Okay but please stick up for yourself when you need to🤗

Pastry: I will 🫶

Grid mum: That's lovely. Anyways no, you guys aren't coming back to Ikea. Kimi and i are going on friday if any of you NEED, emphasis on the NEED, anything let us know and we will get it for you.

Milkboi: Nooooo😭😭😭

Golden retriever: Sharkie 2.0 plz

Grid dad: Bwoah, why do u need another 1?

Golden retriever: Cuz sharkie is lonely and he needs another ocean friend🥺

Golden retriever: Please seb🥺🥺🥺🥺

Grid mum: Mick i.....

Grid mum: How badly do you want it?

Golden retriever: If you don't, Estie, Lance and i will go when we are back and get another one.

Grid mum: Ugh okay. I'll get another shark

Golden retriever: YAY🥳🥳🥳🥳 I love you❤️❤️❤️

Grid mum: Love you too xx

Grid mum: Now everyone get some food and rest, you have qualifying x

Everyone: Yup 👍

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