Dangerous Dora and the exploring Pt 2🏎️🚦

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"Guys..... i- i can't feel my foot" Mick whispered with a shaky voice. All of the boys looked down, Mick was laying on the stairs with his foot covered in shards of glass and blood just starting to leak out. To make things worse they heard the sound of the girls bedroom door opening........

Everyone's heads jumped up to look at the top of the stairs, the boys were now terrified. The sound of nails walking on the floor shocked them into action, quickly George and Alex shoved their arms under Micks and lifted him up, the rest of them hopped around the broken glass and as fast as they could they were stood in the hallway waiting to listen what would happen next. Mick had tears silently streaming down his face partially due to fear but also to the pain of his foot, the noises grew louder and louder until on top of the stairs stood an animal, it wasn't very big but it had glowing green eyes and fur, it bounded down the stairs towards the boys and leapt up at Charles who screamed as loud as he could, the creature shoved him back to the floor and landed on his chest. It hung its mouth over Charles' face and began staring. Charles tried his best not to kick and scream, knowing that would aggravate the creature more, after a couple of seconds of staring the creature let out a small 'woof' or in Yuki's world a 'wan',. It began to lightly lick Charles' face and start to wag its tail, Lando then shone the torch on the creature and all the boys let out a sigh of relief, it was just a dog. And it was rather cute.

Charles patted it and slowly sat up
"Omg i thought i was going to die" - Charles
"Haha, same mate, same" - Lando
"Thank god it wasn't a wolf or something worse" - Mick
"It's quite cute actually, i wonder what it's doing here?" - Alex
"I think, maybe it was what we heard in the bedroom, it would explain the scratching" - Charles
"Facts! it could probably have been a pet perhaps?" - George
"Awww poor dog, i can't believe it's been alone all this time, Let's take him home!" - Yuki
"What if it's got some sort of diseases or something?"
- Lando
"We can take it to a vet tomorrow but for now can we please leave my foot it starting to really hurt" - Mick
"Shit, yeah of course let's go" - Lando

The boys walked/limped out of the manor with the dog and began to make their way back to the edge of the woods. They were walking back down the path and were nearly at the end when suddenly Mick collapsed in Alex's and George's arms.
"SHIT" - Alex
"FUCK, no no no, Mick hey mick" - Alex
Alex tapped the side of his face and tried to get Mick to wake up but he didn't move.
"Guys, look at his foot it's really bad" - Yuki
All the boys looked towards his ankle and it was turning a horrible purple/black colour
"Fuck fuck fuck, someone ring Seb. RIGHT NOW" - Alex
Lando pulled out his phone and began dialling Seb's number.

Seb: Hello?

Lando: SEB omg please help, Mick's foot got crushed by a chandelier and the glass got stuck in his foot and he passed out and now it's turning purple/black and we don't know what to do!!!

Seb: OMG okay i'm on my way, try to get him to wake up, and whatever you do DONT touch his foot.

Lando: okay please hurry

Seb: Im coming Lando just hold tight, and try your best not to panick. Please send me your location now

Lando: Okay i have

Seb: good i'll be with you soon.

Once Lando was of the phone with Seb he crouched down besides Mick and took of his hoodie, he bundled it into a ball and placed it under Mick's head.

"what do we do now?" - Charles
"We wait for Seb, He said to not touch Mick's foot tho" - Lando
"Okay, i'm scared guys" - Charles
"It's okay Charl we'll be alright" - Alex

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