Drama Part 2🏎️🚦

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Everyone in the living room was sat in silence and Kimi was stood next to Esteban. He turned to Esteban and immediately started yelling at him.

"You have to apologise to Mick right now. I am sick and tired of your attitude. What you said to him was absolutely disgusting and so disrespectful i'm having a hard time looking at you. Do you not understand the damage you have done. Take a fucking look at him his entire body is shaking because of the constant panic attacks YOU are causing him. LOOK AT HIM AND FUCKING REALISE THAT HE HASNT SLEPT OR EATEN OR DONE ANYTHING APART FROM PANIC AND CRY BECAUSE OF YOU! if you do not apologise right now WITH MEANING i will beat your ass so bad and kick you out of this house." - Kimi

Esteban stood there in shock for a couple of seconds before he realised what he had done. He immediately started to apologise and even began to cry a little.

"I- i didn't know that...Mick i- i'm so sorry. Kimi's right and this is all my fault. I never meant for any of this to happen i was just so worked up and stressed and i didn't mean any of it and i understand that sorry isn't going fix this and that i've hurt you badly because i brought up the worse thing i possibly could and you really didn't deserve that because your just amazing and there's literally nothing wrong with you and you did deserve a seat. Haas where absolutely dicks for not keeping you and i will fight them for that and Mercedes don't deserve you because you deserve even more than that and no one can give it to you. Mick i'm am so so fucking sorry and i know you don't have to accept this apology because you don't have to. Not after what i did.
And Lance, i'm so sorry for what i said to you as well. Your not just a pay driver and your dads amazing and he supports you too. I admire the fact that you work so hard to prove that you deserve a seat but you don't have to do that because we know your incredible. I mean you drove a car like 3 weeks after breaking your wrists which is just incredible.
Both of you I'm so sorry and i still love you and you can take all the time you need." Esteban

"Bwoah that was acceptable" - Kimi
Kimi then moved towards the sofa to join Seb and everyone lightly laughed as he said it was okay. Mick had calmed down and was thinking about what Esteban had said. Lance just nodded and then spoke up afterwards.

"Thank you Estie. I forgive you for what you said to me but please never do that again. I know that you were stressed and everything form the race but just talk to us." - Lance
"Nicely tho" - Alex
"Hahah yeah nicely tho" - Lance
"Of course, i'll try my best to do everything i can to make sure you guys are okay and i swear next time i'll do so much better. Mick? are you okay? you haven't said anything" - Esteban
"I'm alright. And thank you for apologising. I forgive you but i don't think i can forget it right now. I understand that you were upset and it's okay and to be honest i don't care that much about Haas and everything but the whole my dad. That was just too far, and i want to forgive you and just pretend this never happened but i just can't. I still love you and i'm willing to work on this but i think for a little bit i just need things to slow down for a bit. I'm sorry" - Mick
"No no that's okay, i get it and that's fine. Like i said i love you guys too and if this will make you feel better then i'll do it. Do you want me to move out of our room for a bit? You and Lance can have our bed and i'll sleep in one of the spares." - Esteban
"Are you sure?" - Mick
"Yeah i'm sure" - Esteban
"Okay thank you" - Mick
Esteban just smiled back at Mick and Lance, The boys were now happy everything was somewhat settled.

Seb saw that everyone was looking tired and now that the boys weren't fighting the house was rather peaceful. It was late however and tomorrow they would have to unpack and clean the house up so Seb knew it would be ideal if they all got some good sleep.

"Right, i think everyone needs some sleep so let's all go upstairs. Grab anything if you need it but get some sleep. We need to clean the house up tomorrow and work out what we buy from ikea"

All the others nodded and slowly got up off the sofas. Everyone made their way upstairs and had got into their beds. Mick and Lance were laying in their bed but couldn't really sleep. It felt weird without Esteban laying with them. Mick decided he had enough and so he got out of bed and walked down the corridor to the room Esteban was staying in. He knocked quietly and then poked his head round the door. Esteban saw him lingering and made eye contact.
"Hi cheri, you ok?" - Esteban
"The bed feels weird without you and Lance and I can't sleep. Please come back and join us?" - Mick
"Okay love i'll come" - Esteban

Esteban rose out of the bed and quickly followed Mick back to their room, they clambered into bed together and all cuddled up like before. Esteban whispered another sorry before they all fell into a peaceful sleep.

That was until a couple hours later when Mick shot out of the bed with tears streaming down his face and his throat so tight he could no longer breathe. Lance and Esteban woke up quickly afterwards and saw the state their boyfriend was in. They quickly wrapped their arms around him in an attempt to get him to calm down. Esteban then left and said he was going to grab some water for Mick. Lance had switched positions slightly and was rubbing Mick's back while whispering sweet nothing in Mick's ear to try and ease the panic. It worked and slowly Mick could breathe again. Once Esteban came back Mick took some sips of water before falling exhausted against Lance.
"You alright now baby?" - Lance
"Yeah. I'm just really tired" - Mick
"Okay, we can sleep then" - Esteban

They all lied back down again and Esteban reached over and grabbed the bear. He gave it to Mick who immediately drew it close into his chest. He kissed Mick's forehead quickly and they all settled into a light sleep once more. No of them knew the chaos they were going to endure in the morning. But for now they were happy again.

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