Zhou's mystery man🏎️🚦

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Everyone woke up the next day and was still a little bit startled by last nights events. Luckily however the weather had cleared up they were all glad to be able to go outside. They decided that they were going to have a  pool day.

Valtteri had notice that Zhou has been glued to his phone recently and he was starting to get very curious. He looked to see if anyone else had notice but it didn't seem like it. Zhou was smiling very lovingly at his phone and Valtteri went over to talk to him.
"Hey, how are you?" - Zhou
"Good, who you talking to, you seemed very smiley" - Val
"I wasn't talking to anyone" - Zhou
"Your a horrible liar and your going to need my help if your lying to the others" - Val
Zhou sighed and checked to see if any of the others had heard them talking. He slowly lifted his phone away from his chest and whispered to Valtteri.
"It's Nyck, we've been dating for a little while and i was kinda wondering if you could help me sneak out. He's out here for a bit and i really want to go and see him." - Zhou
"Of course, i'll tell Seb you aren't feeling very well and want to stay in bed for the day. Then we can sneak out the back door" - Val
"Thank you so much Val, your a life saver" - Zhou
Valtteri just nodded and then got up. The other drivers had already gone up to get ready but Seb was still in the kitchen. Val went into the kitchen and explained to Seb that Zhou wasn't very well but he would look after him. Seb nodded and said that he hopes he feels better soon.

Zhou had gone upstairs to change and make himself ready for the date. After he finished Val had come up and together they managed to sneak out the back way. Val drove him into the town and asked if he would need a lift but Zhou said that Nyck would drop him off.
They had planned to meet at a little coffee shop and get some breakfast Zhou walked in and sat down at a table in the corner but had his back to the door. After about 3 minutes of waiting he felt arms wrap around his shoulders.
"Hey babe" - Nyck
"Oh my god, i've missed you so much" - Zhou
Zhou stood up from the table and immediately hugged Nyck back. He really had missed the Dutch man and it felt good to be back in his arms. After, they both sat back down again and decided on what they were going to get food wise. Zhou went for some eggs on toast whereas Nyck had waffels. Nyck also knew that Zhou was going to end up caving and asking for some so he made sure to get topping which Zhou would like too.

They spent hours at the coffee shop talking about anything and everything, it was difficult for them seeing as Nyck was no longer on the Grid anymore. Zhou still felt awful about that and remembered the day Nyck found out. It was filled with tears and anger and a few broken plates but in the end Nyck was okay. It didn't take any pain away from being fired but they managed. After a while they decided that they were going to head back to the hotel which Nyck was staying it. It was nice and he had a very large room with a decent looking bed. Once the hotel door was close they were immediately on one another. Hands and clothes were everywhere and kisses were shared sloppily between the clothes being taken off. They ended up in bed together for a while and after cleaning up they just dozed within the sheets.

They had been cuddled up against the headboard and Zhou was just resting his head on Nycks chest when he heard his phone ringing. It was Val, apparently Seb had gone out to the chemist to see if he could get some medicine for Zhou, he quickly realised that this would be the perfect time to try and sneak back into the house. He informed Nyck of the plan and although they were both reluctant to go back they knew they had to. They got all of their clothes back on but Zhou was now wearing one of Nyck's hoodies, he said it was comfier than his own.

As Nyck drove Zhou back to the house it began pouring down with rain, when they got back Nyck walked Zhou to the side gate where they spent another couple of minutes kissing in the rain. They promised to call and message each other and they were already planning when they could meet up again. Nyck let Zhou go with one last kiss and then walked back to his car and drove off to the hotel.

Once Zhou got back up to his room, he was completely soaked through and was starting to get quite cold. He quickly changed again into some pyjamas and one of Nyck's hoodies then climbed into bed. Just as he was getting comfy Seb barged through the door and started to fuss over Zhou, he felt his forehead and was shocked by how cold Zhou was. He grabbed extra blankets and promised to make him some tea but not before taking some meds. Zhou took them, even though he didn't really need too but he needed to fake being sick.

A couple of hours later Seb came into to check on how he was doing.
He realised that he had actually managed to get sick from being out in the rain. He ended up with a cold and a stuffy nose late into the evening. He was rather miserable and face timed his boyfriend.
"Hey love, are you okay?" - Nyck
"No, i'm sick" - Zhou
"I'm so sorry, can i do anything?" - Nyck
"Not much, i just really want you here" - Zhou
"I could come over, but it would mean telling the others about us" - Nyck
"I'm willing to do that if your okay with it. I want to be able to spend time with you without hiding us" - Zhou
"Me too darling. Okay i'll come over straight away" - Nyck
"Okay i'll tell Seb" - Zhou

Zhou then messaged Seb to tell him that he wanted to talk. Seb got the message quickly and ran up the stairs. Zhou told him about Nyck and he and explained that Nyck was on his way over. Seb didn't have any issues with it at all and was actually encouraging the idea of having his boyfriend over. Just as they were in the middle of discussing when he could next have meds, the doorbell went.
Seb sprinted down the stairs and answered the door. He quickly ushered Nyck up the stairs and into Zhou's room.
"Baby i've only seen you a couple of hours ago and somehow your sick" - Nyck
"I know, i'm sorry" - Zhou
"Don't be, it's okay. I'm here now" - Nyck
Nyck took off his shoes and climbed into bed with Zhou. He cuddled him and kissed his head before Zhou shifted round and buried his face into Nyck's chest.

Neither of them were particularly tired but they both liked to just cuddle. They flicked the TV on and found some random romance series and began watching. Although neither of the were really watching just liked the back ground noise. They somehow managed to fall asleep like that at around 12pm. This meant that Nyck was definitely going to have to stay over. But they would deal with all of the teasing in the morning. For now, peace and quiet.

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