Chapter Three

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Lyric Williams

Lyric sighed as she looked at her schedule. Short staffed again...she rubbed her temples before placing her phone down. One thing about working at this hospital, they're always short staffed.

"Nurse Williams."

Lyric looked up and smiled.

"Dr.Stone." She smiled.

"How are you?" He asked sitting beside her.

Lyric smiled, Dr.Stone is a neurosurgeon one of the best in Los Angeles. He was brilliant, handsome, and charming he could talk a woman right out of their drawers with that charming smile and pearly whites. He was one of the few black doctors amongst other people of color.

"I am good, what about you?" She asked.

"Good, you guys low staffed again?" He asked.

"Yep." She sighed.

He shook his head and scuffed.

"You're too good for this job." He chuckled.

Lyric smiled and shook her head.

"Thank you." She chuckled.

They talked for a few before she went to make her rounds, she felt the pit of her stomach dropped as she reached the pediatric unit. She hated coming here, sick kids and her didn't get along she didn't know how doctors dealt with this.

She sighed as she looked at the chart, Sebastian Taylor leukemia she took a deep breath before opening the door.

"Nurse Lyric." Sebastian smiled as he embraced her legs.

Lyric smiled as she looked down at him.

"Hey Bash, How are you feeling today?" She asked roughing his hair.

"I feel good, did you watch the show I told you about?" He asked.

"Yes I did, it's a good show." She smiled.

He smiled taking her hand, she giggled as she followed him further into the room.

"Where is your mother?" She asked looking around.

"Work, she had a meeting." He mumbled.

Lyric scuffed and shook her head, work was more important than her son? what the hell is wrong with these parents?

"Well that's fine, how about after I take you to your test we go see the fishes?" She asked.

"Really? I've been begging mom to take me but she's always busy with her phone calls." He rolled his eyes.

Lyric smiled at him and shook her head.

"I'm here, and whenever I have free time I will take you to see them." She smiled.

Sebastian smiled.

"Ok." He giggled.

"Ok, let's go." She smiled patting the bed.

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