Chapter 15: Protector

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Whenever her father was awake and at home, (Y/N) spent as much time as she could in her room. She sought comfort in the silence, in the solitude of those four walls. Venturing outside the room at a time her father would be at home was always risky. Especially in the evenings—when he would bring out a bottle or two. Luckily, he didn't say much whenever Hange was around. It seemed as if their presence was some sort of defuser, that prevented him from going off on her like he'd done many times before.

"Want to watch this film?" Hange asked? They were lounging on her bed, flicking through the channels on her TV. (Y/N) was hunched over her desk, eyes glued to her screen as she researched more on fertilizers and chemicals. Her eyes hurt from staring at the bright screen the entire day.

"Busy," (Y/N) mumbled. Hange had helped themselves into her house and had plopped onto her bed, making themselves comfortable. Why weren't they as worried about the project as her? The due date for the school competition was in one month. They were running out of time!

"(Y/N)!" Hange all but whined. "It's Saturday! I spent all of yesterday researching with you. We have a small sample we can show to the judges. All that's left is our board, and we can do that in a week! And then prepare for our presentation in another week! We're ahead of schedule!"

(Y/N) sighed and rubbed at her weary eyes. She looked over at Hange pouting at her and sighed again. Maybe she could use a break. She'd been sitting at her desk for five hours now. She stood slowly, stretching her arm above her head. "What film?"

Hange brightened and excitedly patted the space beside them. "This one! It has that overrated actor and a cliché plot, but the ratings are pretty high!"

Seemed promising. (Y/N) paused before taking a seat beside them. "Want any snacks? I think I got some chips and dip downstairs in the kitchen."

"Yes please!" Hange grinned. "Ooh, and bring up some candy too, I'm craving something sweet."

(Y/N) nodded. She probably had some chocolate too. The door to her room creaked as she shoved it open, her socked feet sliding against the hardwood floor. She could hear the faint murmuring from the TV below and hesitated. Her father was home. But so was Hange. She would be alright.

The kitchen's lights were off and she flicked them on as she headed to the cupboard. Chips...where were the chips? Hopefully Hange liked the sour cream dip she picked up at the store last week. Her father didn't really do the groceries, so she had to make do with the meager allowance he gave her. Once she grabbed the chips and a jar of dip, she snagged a half-eaten bag of chocolate candy off the counter.

"Where are you going with that food?"

(Y/N) stiffened. Her father. She had probably made too much noise. He stood at the entrance to the kitchen, blocking her only way out.

"Upstairs," (Y/N) said indifferently. "Hange's here."

Her father scoffed, taking a step into the kitchen. He stumbled a little and (Y/N)'s heart sank. He had been drinking. Of course, he had.

"You shoulda been spending more time studying," her father slurred, hands gripping the edge of the marble countertop. "But that doesn't matter anymore, does it? You didn't get in."

(Y/N) clutched the bag of chips tightly, ignoring the lump that grew in her throat. "I'm going back upstairs."

"How'd your friend get in?" Her father demanded, pointing up to the ceiling. "They probably spent their time studying. They probably were smart enough. They weren't pathetic like you."

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