Chapter 30: The Research Symposium

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(Y/N) had finally made it. She stood at the front of the research symposium's entrance, staring up at the tall skyscraper in awe. A swarm of participants, cars, news reporters, famous scientists that would serve as the judges nearly blocked the entrance as they tried to get in. (Y/N) had wanted to stop by the actual building that she would be expected to present at tomorrow first—since she had to set up her poster board in her assigned location—before going to check into the hotel that was a 30-minute drive away. Despite her lack of sleep due to feeling excited, (Y/N) wanted to explore and to inhale everything about the conference immediately.

"You will be setting up in hall D," Pieck squinted at the pamphlet that had been mailed to all of the participants last week. She and Yelena had decided to tag along for support, even if they wouldn't be participating in the actual event. "And the welcome dinner will start at 7pm." It was currently 10 in the morning. There was plenty of time to set up, explore, go back to the hotel to check in, get ready, and then make an appearance at the dinner.

"Hall D..." (Y/N) murmured. She gripped the tote bag with all of her samples and materials tighter, the tube with her poster tucked under her arm. "I think that's the entrance we should go in. Okay, the plan is for me to set up and then we explore, right?"

"Yes ma'am!" Pieck grinned. She was still so supportive and sweet even after (Y/N) had turned her down. (Y/N) smiled back at her.

"Our plan will only work if this crowd moves," Yelena frowned at the people before them. "We've been stuck in the same spot for over two minutes."

"Patience, 'lena," Pieck nudged her. "People are excited, today's the first day. Of course, it's going to be quite chaotic."

(Y/N) nodded nervously. Yes. They'd have plenty of time. She would not think about all the things that could possibly go wrong. The line inched slowly and (Y/N) followed the people before her, her free hand clutching the ID badge that the symposium had sent alongside the pamphlet. She was bursting with excitement and nerves, and just wanted to get her area set up. She wondered if Hange was here yet. (Y/N) looked around in the crowd, trying to spot a familiar head of brown hear but it was to no avail. She couldn't find Hange.

She hadn't seen them since the day in the lab, when they had decided to put the past behind them. (Y/N)'s grip tightened on the bag. She felt a sense of being free that she hadn't experienced before, and that had also helped her focus more on the competition.

But...there was also this other lingering emotion that (Y/N) didn't know what to do with. After realizing that she had been in love with them, (Y/N) had begun to see Hange differently. She noticed things that she hadn't before. She wanted her brain to quiet down but it didn't like listening to her.


(Y/N) snapped back to reality, shaking the thoughts in her head away. As she had been lost in thought, the line had begun to move rapidly and they had approached the check-in near the entrance. Pieck pointed to the security guard that was checking badges and she quickly pulled hers out for the guy to scan. After her ID being confirmed, they led (Y/N)'s crew to the metal detectors and scanned her materials for any hazardous items. Once everyone had been cleared, they handed (Y/N) a map and ushered her inside the actual convention building.

"Woah," (Y/N) breathed as she stared at the beautiful chaos before her. The ceiling stretched way up high, and was made entirely out of glass so that the natural light streamed in. The first thing she saw was a huge banner that read Brain Games 2023. The floor was all marble, and there were two grand staircases in the middle that curved up to the second floor. She could see tables scattered near the walls, which were currently in the process of having posters hung on to them. People were talking, laughing, fretting and getting everything ready. There were many other rooms and cameras everywhere. So, this was the brain games.

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