Chapter 32: The Final Presentation

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The day had finally arrived. It was (Y/N)'s turn to present. All those months of hard work and turmoil over this project was about to come to an end. (Y/N) stood in front of the mirror in her room, smoothing the fabric of her suit. She could do this. There would be five judges who would be analyzing her performance and presentation. She had practiced and worked hard for ages. She wouldn't mess up.

"You'll do great," Pieck smiled. She was on her laptop, curled up on the chair that was provided in the room.

"Don't fret and mess up," Yelena added on.

"Thanks guys," (Y/N) smiled nervously at them. The first place she would have to go to would be the interview room to complete the televised interview requirement. Then, she would be led to an auditorium where not only the judges would be present, but also an entire audience. "I guess I'm ready to head out then."

"We'll be at the auditorium at 2!" Pieck reassured. They had wanted to watch her presentation too. (Y/N) wasn't sure if having a familiar face in the crowd would help or make her more nervous. "Go get 'em!"


The symposium was crazy packed today. Nearly hundreds of people swarmed the area—either standing by their posters or getting ready to be called for their interviews or presentations. (Y/N) was waiting to be called up for her presentation. She had just finished the interview and it had surprisingly gone well. They had asked her about her hopes and dreams, about the struggles that she'd gone through to get to that point, about the process it took for her to come up with her project idea. The interviewer had been professional, and there were absolutely no mention of any past rumors. In fact, the interview had been so smooth-sailing that it was almost suspicious.

As (Y/N) waited in the waiting room, she texted the group chat she had with the cleanliness club with updates. She smiled at the barrage of emojis Sasha had spammed her with, and the single good luck gif Mikasa had sent. Even Ymir had been thoughtful enough to wish her luck. She inhaled shakily, glancing at her watch. 30 more minutes. Her knee bounced up and down anxiously.

It was kind of surprising that she wasn't as nervous as she had thought she would be. In fact, for some reason, the talk with Hange last night had calmed her down. Maybe it was just remnants of past feelings, where she would feel calm just in their presence. Or maybe it was something new that was growing. Either way, last night had—

"Hi (Y/N)!"

(Y/N) snapped her head up, surprised to see Hange grinning at her. They too were dressed in a suit, and for a moment (Y/N) could feel her breath hitch as she took in their appearance. For once, their hair was well kept, and they wore a dark green blazer that seemed to bring out the hazel hues of their eyes.

"Hange? What are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked surprised. "Is your presentation today as well?"

"Yup!" Hange plopped onto the seat besides hers. "Mine is two hours later though. I came early to look around and stand by my poster as the stray judges came by to observe."

"Oh, I see," (Y/N) nodded.

"Are you nervous?" Hange asked, curious.

(Y/N) hesitated. "A little," she admitted. "I don't want to mess up."

"You won't," Hange knocked shoulders with her. "The judges will be amazed, just you see!"

(Y/N) looked up at Hange, and before she could think twice about what she would say next, she blurted the question that was on her mind. "Do you want to watch my presentation?"

It was Hange's turn to look surprised. "You want me to come watch?"

The auditorium was open, so anyone could join in at any presentation. (Y/N) wasn't even sure why she asked Hange. It had never been in the plan to have them watch her—in fact perhaps she would be even more nervous with them there. But for some reason she had felt compelled to reach out an invitation to them. She wanted them there.

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