Chapter 27: Confusion

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"Please, please, pleaseee?" Sasha begged, gripping onto (Y/N)'s arm. "It's not like we're going to be in our senior year in college again! This is the last time we'll be able to go to the carnival together as a group!"

(Y/N) casually finished off her essay. Sasha was currently pleading with (Y/N) to accompany them to the Cleanliness Club's semester field trip—to the fair. It was to reward the crew for a semester's worth of volunteer cleaning. The upcoming weekend was going to be of the busiest weekends for (Y/N). She had to prepare her symposium materials, and also keep up with her schoolwork. Did she really want to spend time at a fair?

"I don't know, Sasha..." (Y/N) trailed off. She reached for her lukewarm latte, drinking the last few sips. Glancing over towards the front of the café they were at, she considered getting up to order her third latte. But perhaps her bank account wouldn't be able to handle that. "I'm gonna be very busy."

"I know, you don't have to be there long," Sasha insisted. "Everyone is going to be there, and it's going to be so fun, and we're going to eat cotton candy and candied apples and ride the Ferris wheel together! You won't regret it."

(Y/N) sighed. "That's a big claim."

Sasha pouted. "I'll miss you if you don't come."

(Y/N) smiled softly at her. Perhaps she might go for an hour, just to make Sasha happy. She stretched her arms and reached for her mug. Another refill sounded amazing actually, maybe she would risk her bank account for another latte. "Let me refill this and then I'll reconsider. Need more caffeine."

Sasha nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, more caffeine might sway you to come!"

(Y/N) chuckled and slid out the chair, walking towards the barista. The café was unusually quiet despite the upcoming exam season. After she paid for her drink, she walked towards the drink pick up section and began to wait, debating whether or not she should go to the fair. She wasn't able to debate for long, though, as someone interrupted her.


(Y/N) stiffened, immediately recognizing the voice. Hange. She turned to them waiting beside her, a tentative smile on their face. "Hange, hi."

Usually, she would have greeted them and turned back to her own business, not wanting to converse with them for much longer. Usually, she would have been annoyed at their presence, or lately indifferent as she didn't think they were rivals anymore. But today? Today, all she could think of was what Yelena had brought up last time.

If you have feelings for Hange...

(Y/N) swallowed back her embarrassment. Why was she even embarrassed? She didn't have feelings for Hange at all, so therefore Yelena's words shouldn't have any impact on her.

Hange had dressed down today and was wearing what looked like a cozy sweatshirt and track pants. Their hair was pulled back, and their brown eyes shimmered underneath the warm lights.

I've never seen anyone gaze that fondly as someone else before.

(Y/N) tore her gaze away quickly. "Getting coffee?" She felt awkward all of a sudden.

"Yep, finalizing my materials this week so I'll need lots of it," Hange joked.

Joked? They had moved onto the joking level? What did that even mean? So, they didn't hate her anymore? Or was this all a ruse...? (Y/N) mentally shook her head, trying to dispel all of these useless thoughts out of her mind.

"Cool," (Y/N) saw that her drink was ready and she reached for it quickly. "Good luck!" And with that she hurried over to her seat, sinking down into the chair. She avoided looking back in Hange's direction, not wanting to see the confused look on their face. Why was she acting so weird?

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