I. Love. You...

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"Pete, you'll follow me to the auction night this evening. Be prepared."

"Krap Khun Kinn." As the loyal bodyguard he is, Pete accepted the order without questions and made his way out of Kinn's office. Making a mental checklist on what to prepare tonight.

Kinn glance at Pete for a minute before continuing his work. A few minutes later, angry Tankhun barged in into his office.

"Aii Kinn ! Why are you taking Pete awayyy ?" Tankhun asked annoyed.

"Khun he is the head bodyguard. Of course he should be there with me."

"Why can't you bring Ken or Big instead. They are good too. And they are your bodyguard." Tankhun stressed on the word your.

Kinn rolled his eyes back. Tankhun was definitely right. It is just an auction event. He does not have to bring Pete along with him. In fact Ken and Big would be more than enough. But... That is not what he wants. He wants Pete. His heart wants Pete. So, he used his trump card, Pete's boss to make Pete stay by his side.

"No more arguments Tankhun. I. Need. Pete." Kinn stares at Tankhun, throwing daggers with his eyes.

And before Tankhun could say anything else, he was dragged out by Arm and Pol.

Kinn sighed and threw the pen in his hand on the table. He swirled his chair and rested his head against the head rest. His thought began wondering to the person who makes his night sleepless and often he finds himself waking up in the middle of the night with his cock throbbing.

Pete had casted a spell on Kinn ever since the first day he was here. Pete was pretty much young back then but he was impressive. Pete was fast and he could take in a generous amount of pain. Quite a tough opponent to be defeated. In no time, he became Chan's favourite. Chan kept Pete by his side and trained him on his own.

Pete was first assign to be under him. And he still remembered the first time when they both got into trouble.

"Khun Kinn I think it's better for us to wait for back up. We are clearly outnumbered here." Pete whispered, staying on high alert watching around them to make sure they're not be seen by someone else.

"Pete, if we wait, we might loose them. I don't think these assholes are going to stop here. Listen Pete, I'm going to go inside. Knock them down, get their plan and we run out of here. Meanwhile you stay here and keep the area under guard." Kinn said all while kneeling down and eyes buzy peeping through the blinds of the warehouse somewhere far from Bangkok.

Pete doesn't know why but he felt as if he heard that Kinn's going to jump into fire and Pete has to watch it. That sounded ridiculous to him. But before Pete could argue, he heard footsteps approching them.

Immediately he pushed Kinn down, brought Kinn's face to his chest and began shooting the enemies. All he did was trynna protect his boss.

Kinn was shock at the sudden movement and tried to read Pete's expression to understand the danger alert but he saw something else. He saw how those two plump lips were slightly parted looking alluring and the brown orbs so focused that it did not even blink a second. For a moment that did something to Kinn.

Pete moved away from him telling him not to move or something but Kinn could not register that. His mind was focused on Pete. How Pete swiftly moved, taking down his oponent one by one... to protect him ? Kinn felt proud.

When Pete shouted his name and pointed his gun behind Kinn, killing a man trying to approach Kinn; surely with no good intentions, Kinn's chest huffed with pride.

And when Pete came running to him, worried printed all over his face, checking if Kinn was okay, Kinn knew he had already lost himself.

But isn't that what Pete supposed to do ? To protect him ? Ken and Big did that too. So why was Kinn attracted towards Pete ? Could that be just an infatuation he had ? Just like how he acted rashly when he was once an unruly teenager ?

Years passed. The unruly teenager was no more. However, the feelings is still there. Pete is special and he likes Pete. After all, to love someone doesn't really need a reason. It just happened ! Not that Kinn's complaining though.


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