Chapter 17: Years Later

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I had gotten over Jevaughn. It took sometime but I finally got over his trifling ass. He gotten that girl he was with pregnant, her name was Tiffany. She was a tall girl with a lot of shape. She was thick, and her thickness was close enough to fat. Tiffany had a brown skin tone and her hair was short and picky. I can't believe I was jealous of this girl. Not holding a grudge against her or anything, but Tiffany was ugly as fuck. She dropped out of school of course, due to her pregnancy. It never hurt her because she hardly went to school anyways. As for Jevaughn he continued going to school and worked at the same time. He got help from he dad who was a mechanic, to help with the baby supplies. I am glad Jevaughn had broken up with me, 'cause if he didn't then I wouldn't have found the courage to do it myself. Then there could've been the possibility of Jevaughn forcing me into having sex and impregnating me. Well I am glad that's over with.

As for Jordan and I, we went out for over two years. It was going good and all. He is a nice person once I got to meet him. The part of him that I never knew about, was that he held guns and was in a gang. It was not a surprise to me at all because Jordan was friends with my brothers and I know their dirty deeds. Most of the teenage boys where I am from are in gang and what-not. It is a typical thing where I am from. Not only where I am from but in Jamaica on a hold, everybody wants to kill somebody and everybody wants to be a killer. People all over the world have typical stereotypes for different countries and island. As for Jamaicans killing and holding guns are one of the biggest stereotypes there is. I find this stereotype stupid and senseless, although that's the basic meaning of stereotypes. But killing occurs everywhere. It's just what you do in certain areas, how you carry yourself, and last but not least, being in the wrong place at the wrong time. People say a lot of stuff and growing up I have learnt to just deal with people's opinion.

I am now in America, living with my mother and taking care of her. She was diagnosed with cancer sometime in 2013. I was already planning on coming up to America after my first year of high school in Jamaica. I took the Grade Nine Achievement Exam, and passed for a traditional high school by the name of Merl Grove High. It an all girls school and one of the best high schools in Jamaica. I would never thought that I would come and live with my mother for the first time and found out she was diagnosed with cancer. That was the worse day of my life. I was use to visiting my mother and seeing her as a workaholic. I remembered the first day I saw her in the hospital, she looked weak. I thought she was going to die after that major surgery she did. The cancer was on her stomach and it all started from the tumor which was on her liver. My mom was destined to recover and head back to work. She did just that.

As for Jordan and I. I remember telling him that he can have sex with someone else. As long as I don't know the person and they don't live in the same area. He agreed with me, but when I came up months after, the texting and calling stopped. I had a feeling he was getting down and dirty with someone else. I wouldn't believe that he would actually listen to me and go along with it. Everyone knows that when a girl says that, she is just bluffing. This big head didn't and it make matters worse, when I asked he kept on denying it. I had to bagger him to tell me the truth. When he finally comes out with it, he tells me it was only one time. Yeah right, one time my ass. I left his ass at that minute , but he still kept on bothering my phone. I never told him that it was over, but he should get the drift.


It's October now and I am in school. I began attending a school by the name Boyd Anderson. It's not the best school in the world, I'll tell you that. The food here has me wondering what they serving us. I call it mystery meat, I don't really eat in the cafeteria like that. I just get some snacks from the vending machines. The football team suck, yet that's the only extra curricular activity they engage in. So for a person like me who loves drama and music of course I had to check that out. I went to check out their music and drama club and from being here almost four months, all I see is them practicing in school and not performing. Basically the overall system of the school is slow and unorganized. There is no school spirit. While being hear I met some acquaintances. There is this girl by the name Candy, she is knew here too. She has a younger sister, Tony. They are both new here so that is something we have in common. I am in a new environment and think this will be the start of something new.

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