Chapter 10: The Approach

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I had no sleep last night due to all the thoughts and confusion running all around inside my head. A terrible migraine hit me as I stood up to head for the bathroom. As it hit me a fell right back down on my bed. I couldn't move a muscle. I was hungry due to the fact that I had not eaten anything the previous day and had barely gotten any sleep the night before. How was I suppose to go to school in this condition. Knowing I had to take the bus because my sister had to leave out early, as usual. That bus would be crowded and full of nothing but noisy children and loud angry adults shouting at them. Then at school I am pretty sure the noise won't end there. It will not end until I come back home to some peace and quiet. I won't even have to worry about my nephew cause he is hardly here anyways. I came to the conclusion that I will stay home and just sleep for the whole day. I watched as my nephew got ready and left the house. Now the house is all mine. I jumped right back into my bed and indulged into the comforter, that was big, warm and cozy.

Around 10:00

I woke up around ten feeling slightly better. I still had a little migraines here and there but for the most part I can get up with ease. I went in the kitchen to prepare breakfast for myself with some milo tea. There is nothing better than a hot, big cup of milo tea resting on the table. Every time I prepare milo tea for myself it reminds me of my grandmother and how she used to prepare it for me. Whenever I was sick, it doesn't matter what kinda of sickness, my grandma Vie will always look about some bush tea. Sometimes I would hate the after taste of some of the bush teas and I would always ask my grandma Vie to make some milo to put back the taste in my mouth. Without hesitation grandma does just that.

As I ate my breakfast on my veranda I see Monique passing by. I gave her the nastiest look ever. If my eyes could shoot flames, she would have been burnt into non-existence. Then I noticed something really strange. I couldn't actually believed my eyes. Monique was walking into my yard, head held high and walking proud as ever. What could she be coming to talk to me about? Was she coming to gloat, cause I was truly prepared for this one. If she tries something slick this time around, I swear on every grave I am going to snap. My mouth won't be the only thing snapping, I am ready to snap the head off if this trifling bitch.

Monique: " Did you receive my messages😟?"

She asked with a look of concern. I was confused, shocked and out of this world. I thought she came over here to gloat and brag in my face. Why wasn't she bragging?

Monique: "Can you answer me please? I never knew I would run into you. I never knew you skipped school on Fridays.😕"

Kimberly: "I was feeling sick. You know I always go to school and yes I got your messages.What about it? Do you enjoy the taste of his lips? Is it that why you came hear, to brag in my face because if so you can just leave!😤"

Monique: " *Gasp* No, no you have it all wrong. I am not the one in that picture. That is my cousin, Kimberly!😧"

Kimberly: " What cousin?😒"

Monique: "Kimberly, look at the picture again and tell me who you see. You must can make it out!😔"

I took out my phone and looked at the picture long and hard. I pondered on who could this be. Monique has a quite a lot of cousins, so it is hard to make out which one could be in this picture. I skipped through all of the pictures and found one the showed only one side of her face. I noticed a tattoo marking on her hand. Monique has no tattoos at all. Most of her families were rebels and got tattoos at a really young age. Monique was a rebel but one who was afraid of tattoos, so she never got one. In the picture this tattoo was of a dolphin, a little pretty dolphin with blue splashing waters underneath it. I couldn't believe that I missed it. Now I know who it was, last night I paid no attention to the tattoo. I was just putting the tail on Monique, when Bianca was the donkey after all. Bianca was worse than Monique. She dated any and everybody, she was two years older than me. She was seventeen, she was even older than Jevaughn because he is sixteen years of age. But as I said she'll date anybody. Jevaughn is a real dog and I don't how to even explain how I'll cuss his ass out.

Kimberly: "I am truly sorry, Monique. All of last night I was blaming you for everything. I just jumped straight to conclusion. 😔"

Monique: "No worries Kim. Look I know I am not the most perfect person in the world and I do a lot of nasty things but I would never do the nasties with my friend's boyfriend.😊"

Kimberly: " Aww, That's so sweet. Thanks for telling me and snitching on your cousin. 😉😅"

Monique: " Look I know she my cousin and all but I had to. I know what it feels like to be cheated and dumped on trust me. Plus you my home girl, I had to let you know. I could have done it right away though because I know they were hiding it. I never wanted them to know I knew cause then, you know Bianca, she would find some way to blackmail my ass. I wasn't gonna let that happen.😐"

Kimberly: "So who took the pictures? 😕"

Monique: " Well that's where Bianca showed stupidity. She thought I never knew shit. So she came up to me one evening after I got home from school, asking me to help her with something in her phone. Then a message popped up from Jevaughn. He sent her some pictures, she was no where around so I sent them to myself. It made my work real easy.😂"

Kimberly: "Then why didn't you send them on your phone?😕"

Monique: "Cause she stay searching my phone too. Its an everyday thing for us. We live like sisters, I should say.😒"

Kimberly: "Well thanks for telling me the truth I appreciate it dearly. 😔"

I gave Monique a big hug to show my thankfulness. She was known for being a bitch but to me she is like a big sister. I never saw that coming to be honest and even though we had an argument, she came through to me just like a big sister should. I think I made a good choice with choosing her as my friend. Even though Bianca is her cousin and all she never hide her dirty work. Now thanks to Monique I know the truth and plan to dish it out on Jevaughn, the next time I see him.

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