Chapter 16: Who Got Burnt?

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Saturday Afternoon

I woke up after one o'clock in the afternoon, I was still tired and wanting more sleep. Jordan and I were on the phone for hours last night. He even wished me happy Valentine's Day, because after twelve o'clock last night we were still on the phone like two love birds. Which we weren't! Due to the spicy conversation, none of us wanted to come off of the line. Even when my phone was dying I never came off, I only informed him that if he couldn't hear me after a while, the reason being was that my phone had died. He informed me of the same thing. Even now my phone wasn't put on the charger. I was so sleepy and tired I forgot to let it charge. I can't even recall what time I fell asleep last night.

I got up and did my daily chores as usual. I don't know what to do after I did all my chores, to be honest. It Saturday for crying out loud and all I do on Saturdays is eat and sleep. My sister prepared a pot of soup for us all. On Saturdays my family loves to drink a hot bowl of red peas soup, or just soup in general. I plugged in my phone on the charger and ran to the kitchen to get myself a bowl of soup. I placed my bowl on the dining room table, turned on my T.V and switched the channel to B.E.T of course. I watched a couple episodes of Every Body Hates Chris, then The Parkers and lastly The Game. My Saturday mornings were always like this. I love the B.E.T station, everyone in my family knows that at this time of the day the T.V is mine. I will fight over the remote if anyone changes it while I'm away from the T.V. My nephew will always do that. Like if the commercial is on and I leave to go in the bathroom, he'll come and change the channel. Not only that he will turn it off then on again and say that he "turned it on" in the first place. That pisses me off, not sometimes but all the time. Changing the channel while I am watching it..... pet peeve.

As I am finished watching the television, I go to wash the dishes and realizes that my sister is leaving. once again. Where she is going? I have no idea. She is the type of person to tell you not to ask her where she is going, I you were to ever ask. My grandma Vie always cursed her out for this and I don't blame her. Like, what if something was to happen to her? How would we know where she is and what to do? Well maybe that's why none of her three marriages worked out, she never tells anyone where she is going. Well I was left alone in the house once again. Honestly, I had no problems with it at all. I loved the peace and quiet. I loved to stay by myself, having a lot of friends is having a lot of trouble, I always say. Trouble is one thing I'd like to stay out of. I got my phone off the charger and turned it on because it died when I was talking to Jordan. When the phone finished rebooting, I saw a text message from Jevaughn and remembered that it was sent to me last night. I was too pissed at him and into Jordan to pay it any mind. Now since I have nothing to do and was completely bored, especially since nothing interesting was showing on T.V, I decided to open his messages and read it. The message was sent at 12:01 a.m last night and it read: "We can't work out anymore. I am busy with someone else. So you already know it's over." My heart sunk and a tear fell from my eyes onto the phone. Words couldn't even explain how devastated and torn I felt at that moment. He broke up with me on Valentine's Day. He was waiting on this day all along. I promised myself I wouldn't cry because of any guy in my lifetime, but he broke my streak. This is the worse that could ever happen to me. I deleted his number out of my phone, his pictures and everything. I made sure nothing was left. I sparked a fire and got burnt in the process. I shouldn't have listened to Monique, she is the cause of all of this. I was just an idiot for listening to her. Yeah, she was trying to help, but look where that got me. Hurt. Hurt to the point where I don't think I can love again. Every guy is the same thing. Full of shit and is made for only one thing, pussy! That's all they want. Since Jevaughn is busy let him stay busy. I hope he rots in hell and ends up getting AIDS in the process. Why did he wait for this day to break up with me, although I hate Valentine's Day. It's just a day for guys to find an excuse for "love". I don't want to be "loved", for one day out of the whole year. I don't want to get gifts one day out of the whole year either. I know I hate Valentine's Day, but to know that he waited for this day to break up with me, really hurts. Think about it, what if my birthday was before this day, don't you think he would've broken up with me then? I surely do. He is just a jerk that's all. Cupid in disguise! I fought fire with fire, and look who got burnt!

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