Part Seventeen

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Donna woke up by a knock on the door as she looked angry and annoyed and said "Go away!!!" and Chris replied as he smiled walking in "It's me dad. Can I come in??" and Donna replied as she looked so annoyed and covered all her body and head "No I don't want to see anyone right now" and Chris sighed as he went to her bed and sat down and replied "Come on, talk to me. I'm your dad and you can tell me anything" and Donna replied as she slowly took the blanket and sat up looking down at her finger "Liam left me" and Chris replied "I know, sweetie." and Donna looked surprised as she replied "You knew?" and Chris replied as he nodded "Yes sweetie, before he left, he told me about his management. They wanted him back to London because he had new album photoshoots so he left. He left because he wanted to protect you from all his fans and management but if he did not come back, they would do nothing but to blame you, princess" and Donna replied as she looked at him " I can't believe this... I can't believe all of this!! Why didn't he tell me?" and Chris replied "Because he doesn't want to hurt you, sweetheart. He didn't want to tell you about this because...." and he took a deep breath as he replied "He didn't even want you to get hurt by that. He was just scared you might be angry at him or hate him because of that. He really does love you, princess" and Donna replied as tears started falling down on her cheeks and looked down "He left me two times, dad. Two times!! Without saying a word!!! It feels like he's only playing with my feelings and care about his career" and Chris replied as he held her hand "Sweetie, Liam really loved you. He really did with all his heart. I can see how much he loves you. He didn't mean to leave you or hurt you because he. Love. You, okay?" and Donna nodded as she faked her smile and Chris asked smiling "Okay so how about I'll take you to shopping? Sounds good?" and Donna nodded as she smiled a little🙂.

Back to London 🇬🇧
Liam woke up as he took a deep breath and rolled over to his side and looked at the frame picture of his girl sleeping and smiled at her cute and sleeping face as he remembered that night he spent a night with Donna and he took a picture of her sleeping. He smiled thinking about the amazing moments they had when they were together alone and then he thought this would be the day he was gonna go back to Wolverhampton to make it up to her and win her back so he took his phone as he typed all his best mates' phone numbers and called them and said as he smiled "Mates! Good morning!! Listen.... I need your help" and he smiled big😁😊.

Back to Wolverhampton
Donna picked up the things she wanted like purple squishmallow and headwear and Chris went to her as he pushed the cart and said "Here, princess. Put it right here" and he took the things as he put them on the cart and Donna replied as she smiled "Thank you dad." and then she turned to her right as her smile faded when she saw Liam and the lads on the magazine smiling and she only looked at Liam sadly and then Chris asked as he went to her "Princess, are you okay?" and Donna  as she smiled fakely and nodded "Yes, dad I'm OK, don't worry. Let's go check out" and Chris nodded as they went to the counter and pay for the things.

Few Moments later❤️
They got in the car and drove away when suddenly Chris turned the radio on and Donna looked out the window as then she heard a familiar voice on the radio and she knew it was Liam so she was about to change it but Chris said as he took her hand away "Don't change it. I want to listen" and Donna took a deep breath as she looked at him and sat back as she looked out the window. The host asked Liam "Liam, is it true that you have a new girlfriend?" and Chris smiled at Donna as he nudged her and Donna rolled her eyes annoyed and Liam said smiling as he chuckled "Well, yes I do. Her name is Donna" and the host replied as he smiled "Aww that's an amazing name. Can you tell us how you met?" and Liam replied as he cleared his throat and smiled "Okay.. She was my best friend since we were both 5. We were classmates in a kindergarten school and she was very shy at  first when we met because I saw how shy and scared she was and then we started being best friends" and the crowd cheered and Liam smiled to himself as the host replied "Aww that's so cute, Liam. And I heard you wrote two songs about her" and Donna looked surprised as she waited for his answer and Liam replied as he smiled and nodded "Yes I wrote" Truly Madly Deeply" and "Irresistible" about her actually and today  I'm gonna sing Irresistible because I want to apologize to her for everything I have done and I hope she will forgive me" and tears started falling on Donna's cheeks and then Liam grabbed the guitar as he took a deep breath and started to sing Irresistible😍💋.

💗Pre - chorus💗
🎶Heartache doesn't last forever
I'll say I'm fine
Midnight ain't no time for laughing
When you say goodbye🎶

Three Minutes Later
Liam whispered on the microphone as he started sobbing "I'm... I'm sorry, love for everything" and the lads came to calm him down as they hugged him and Donna started crying😢😭 as she covered her face and Chris said as he pulled over the car in front of their house and hugged her as he rubbed her back "Shh sweetie, don't cry.. Shh" and Donna wiped her tears as she tried to stop crying😢❤️😍💋🌧️.

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