Chapter Sixteen

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Donna walked around the beach looking for Liam as she called his name and then she thought  the boys knew where he was so she went to the tent and she looked so surprised as she saw only Zed and Lucas preparing food for breakfast and she said  "Good morning, guys" and the lads said smiling "Good morning, Donna" and Donna asked as she looked for Liam around "Um... Have you seen Liam? I've been looking for him everywhere since I woke up this morning" and the lads looked at each other as they nodded and Zed said as he looked sad "Don't freak out, okay?" and Donna replied as she looked at him "Tell me, guys. Please" and Lucas said as he felt bad for her "He left" and Donna asked as she looked so confused "What do you mean he left?" and Zed replied as he took a deep breath "He left because his manager wanted him back to London for our new album cover" and Donna replied as she looked so surprised "What?" and Lucas nodded as they both looked at her and she couldn't believe it. Her boyfriend and best friend left her again because of his career. Tears started to fall as she said "Excuse me" and then she walked away to the room and the lads shouted "Donna wait!!!".

Donna went inside the room as she slammed the door and she started sobbing as she slid her back against the door and she whispered as she sobbed "Why did he do this to me again? He.. Promised.... Me.... That he..." and she sobbed harder as she continued to whisper "Would never.. Leave... Me... Again... But... He... Did" and she took the necklace off as she looked at it and remembered what he promised to her "I promise you....I will never ever leave you again" and she screamed in anger as she threw the necklace and she cried harder😭💔.

Back to London🇬🇧
Liam sat down on the bed looking down on the floor and he took his phone out as he took a deep breath and he clicked on gallery app and looked at the pictures of him and Donna smiling and hugging. He also had pictures of her sleeping and he smiled thinking she's been the cutest girl in the world and tears started falling down on his face as he felt so bad for leaving her and he totally regrets hurting her and then Zed called him and Liam answered as he said "Zed, what's up?" and Zed replied  "She knows" and Liam asked as he looked angry "What?!! Why the heck did you tell her?!!" and Lucas replied as he rolled his eyes "We can't lie to her, okay?!! She's just like our little sister, Liam!! She's your girlfriend and she deserves to know!!" and Liam realized they were right, she really deserved to know and he took a very deep breath as he said sadly "I'm sorry, lads" and Zed replied "Don't apologize to us. Apologize to Donna cause she's the one you hurted, bro" and Liam replied as he looked down sad "I'll try but what if she'll never forgive me?" and Lucas replied "Then try again. You messed up big time, Li and you have to do everything to make her forgive you" and Liam replied as he smiled sadly "Thank you, bro" and Zed replied "And also give her some space cause she's going through a lot" and Liam replied as he nodded "Okay" and then Zed ended the call and Liam sighed sadly😢.

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