Chapter One

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Donna (5 years old) went to the school with her dad who held her hand and she said walking to Ms. Perez's classroom "Daddy I don't want to go to school. I want to stay st home and play with Hunter" and Chris, her dad looked down at Donna as he replied "I know, sweetie but you have to because you have to learn everything. How about I'll buy you a strawberry milkshake after school?" and Donna replied as she smiled "Fine. You know that's my favorite" and Chris replied as he smiled back "I know you so well, sweetie and come on let's go" and then they arrived in front of the classroom as Mrs. Perez saw them as she said smiling "Hello sir" and  Chris replied as he smiled back "Hi Mrs. Perez, oh and this is Donna, my daughter" and Mrs. Perez replied as she smiled down at Donna "Aww, aren't you the cutest girl I ever seen? Come on, let's take you to your seat, okay?" and Donna nodded as she hugged Chris, gave him a kiss on the cheek and then went in front of her new classmates with Mrs. Perez and then Mrs. Perez said smiling "Everyone, I want you to meet Donna, your new classmate" and Donna waved at her classmates shyly and everyone said smiling "Hi Donna" and Mrs. Perez replied as she smiled "Okay, sweetie. You can sit next to Liam. Liam, raise your hand" and then a boy with a warm brown eyes and a light brown hair raised his hand as he smiled at her and then Donna went to the right side as she sat down right next to him and the boy said as he smiled and held out his hand for a handshake "Hello, I'm Liam" and Donna replied as she smiled back and held his hand "Hi Liam, I'm Donna" and then they shook each other's hands smiling and they started talking about themselves or what they liked to do while Mrs. Perez discussed about nature.

They both became best friends ever since then.

💖After 3 YEARS💖
Liam and Donna played at Donna's house with her big sister Sarah who was 9 years older than her. Then Donna stole Sarah's doll from Sarah's hand and she ran away laughing with Liam and Sarah yelled at Donna as she chased her sis "Hey!! Give it back!!!" and they chased each other around the house until Sarah got closer to Donna as she pushed Liam and Donna together and the two fell into each other on the ground as they groaned in pain and then they looked at each other's eyes then they both looked so surprised and then realized they're in love with each other and Sarah stood in front of them saying "Hey you guys! Get off the ground and let's go eat some snacks!!" and then the two of them helped each other up as Donna still looked surprised at what just happened and she put her hand on her chest as she felt her heart beating so fast and Liam said smiling as he smiled "Come on let's go" and Donna nodded smiling fakely and then they went to the table and eat their snack.

😍❤️7 YEARS AFTER ❤️😍
Liam and Donna were both 15  and they couldn't believe that they both were in the same class together again and then one day during their break in school, Liam took Donna's diary from her and ran away laughing then Donna got mad as she yelled at him "Liam!! Give it back!!" and she chased after him. They ran outside and Liam read the first page loudly and then Donna went closer to him really really mad as she punched Liam on his chest really hard and Liam dropped the diary as he groaned in pain and Donna grabbed her diary as she stuck  her tongue out at him and giggled as she said "You should see your face, Li" and Liam stood up as he looked at her like he fell in love with her and it started to rain and then Liam went closer to her as he stared at her and Donna stopped giggling as she noticed Liam staring at her and asked "Um... Liam, are you..." but then she was cut off by Liam, her own best friend 💋KISSING💋 her on the lips in the 🌧️RAIN🌧️ and at first, she was completely surprised and shocked but then she got mad as she pushed him away and she slapped him across his face and she left him still in shock. They had a first "kiss in the rain🌧️💋😉😉😍.

They couldn't sleep because of what happened. Donna cursed his name and then she realized she already fell in love with Liam and then she thought to herself 💭Uh oh, I'm falling in love with Liam. Oh no no no no! It can't be!! What if he doesn't like me? 💭.

💔💘💔💘2 YEARS PASSED 💘💔💘💔
Liam and Donna were both 17 and they're still best friends after what happened. Then one day, Liam decided to move in London for his career as a singer but he couldn't leave his best friend Donna because he promised her that he would never ever leave her alone and Donna told him when they were 10 years old that if he leave, she would never ever forgive him. Liam decided not to tell Donna because it would hurt her. He left Wolverhampton next day and soon..... Donna went to his house to give him some cookies she made as she knocked on the door and soon Liam's neighbor told her that Liam and his family had just left and Donna asked if they know where he's going and they told her that Liam went to London and this was it.. Tears started to fall down on her cheeks as she ran away to the lake where Liam and Donna always played. Donna arrived in the lake as she slowly sat down on the ground still in shock and then she started sobbing as she took the necklace that Liam gave her on her 16th birthday angrily and she screamed angrily as she threw it away into the lake.

😘💋😘💋😘1 YEAR LATER😘💋😘💋😘
Donna woke up as she checked her phone and she checked the time ⌚❤️7AM❤️⌚. Donna rolled her eyes as she got off the bed and she looked at the picture of her and Liam hugging and smiling and then she rolled her eyes at the picture as she put it on the drawer angrily and she put her headphones🎧 on and then played "Midnight Rain" by Taylor Swift and she got ready for work. Donna worked at a coffee☕ shop that Sarah owned along with her best friends Isabella and Sebastian, who were always there for her❤️.

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