something stupid

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as we went back into the bar, tom held my hand and led me to our table. although there was plenty of room on the couch, he sat awfully close to me. bill and emma were busy making out on the other end, which forced us to have a random conversation. as if the tension wasn't already painfully thick enough, a silhouette started coming towards us from - the boy from earlier.

'i feel like we started on the wrong foot, mind if i redeem myself and join you?', he spoke clearly as he sat down next to me. tom's entire body stiffened the moment he did so. i could tell he had no intention of befriending the guy, but he surely couldn't read the room well enough as he continued by making small talk, 'i'm dominic. i've been playing here for about a month now... freshly moved'. he was playing with the straw from his drink, notably awkward. i felt bad because he seemed genuine, so i answered him, 'oh i'm y/n i've lived here since forever, and this is tom, he just moved back. he's in a band, plays guitar too!', i said trying to get tom involved in the conversation. i truly hoped it would make him warm up to the idea. instead, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and answered smuggishly, 'yeah, we're pretty famous, pretty sure you've heard of us, tokio hotel'. dominic said he didn't which only irked tom more, causing him to clench his jaw and serve me a 'make him leave' glare. his hand squeezed onto my shoulder. 'do you sing?', dominic asked me, 'you have a really nice voice, was thinking you'd sound good with some guitar', he smiled. tom's hold on me only tightened. i smiled back at dominic, but before i could say anything, tom answered for me - 'she sings, but only with me'. he then got up and with a swift move, grabbed onto my hand and pulled me to him, 'let's go show him how we play'.

he took me to the stage and i barely had any time to process what was happening. before he could usher me up the stage, i turned to him, all panicked 'tom, wait, i can't- i've never done this. i don't want to'. i tried to convince him, but all he did was get angrier, 'oh but you would've sung with him, right? get up there.' and with that he hurriedly got on stage, pushed me closer to the mic after letting everyone know we're gonna sing something. he grabbed the guitar and whispered to me 'just imagine we're 15 again, in my room, messing around'.

he started to play some chords and i immediately recognized it - something stupid by frank sinatra. back in the day, i used to love this song, and he learned how to play it to surprise me. but things were different then, and his room wasn't filled with people staring straight through me with high expectations. i felt the pit of anxiety eat at me as i stood there petrified, the cold light hitting me right in the face. but i couldn't just stand there, and although my heart was heavy, i felt at home hearing the song again after so long. and so, the lyrics imprinted in my brain flew right out of me.

and then i go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like i love you

tom's voice wrapped around me as he sang the last chorus with me. i felt a stir of pain and nostalgia swirl in my chest. as the song ended, i rushed outside without looking back. i crouched down, resting against the cold wall, as tears spilled out of my eyes. i buried my head in my hands, frustrated by this rush of emotions i couldn't understand. i sit there for a while, crying, before feeling a hand creep up my back. my head jolts up and i see dominic, looking at me. it pains me even more to see him because i wanted it to be tom comforting me right now. 'hey, why are you crying?', his words are a bit slurred and i realize he's probably drunk. i don't respond, and he pulls me closer to him. all i can think about is tom seeing this, so i pull away from his grip. he tries to get a hold on me again, and i brush his hand off. 'i don't know what's up with you, but don't be a bitch and let me make you feel better', his voice is now angry, as his arm wraps around me again. i brush it off again, growing quite angry myself, 'just piss off', i tell him before standing up. he grabs my arm, not letting me get away, 'don't fucking tell me what to do'. i push him off of me as i try to get back inside, but he grabs me again, shoving me against the wall. i start to panic and out of impulse, i kick him in the crotch. he starts loudly swearing at me as he crouches down in pain, causing a few people to turn their heads our direction. i'm pretty much paralyzed and i know i should be running off, but my legs won't move. i see dominic's head raise and his eyes pierce through me. he approaches me, calling me all sorts of names, with his fist raised as if he were about to hit me. my body tenses up and i feel my vision start to blur. i push him away one last time before his hand comes in contact with my face, slapping me hard enough that my whole head moves in that direction. before he could hit me again, i hear a loud 'hey' coming from the entry of the bar. then, a shadow tackling him down and punching him right in the face. i feel someone's arms wrap around me, but everything seems in slow motion. it takes me a while to realize bill and emma are hugging me and the one fighting dominic right now is tom. once that dawns on me, i rush over to them just to pull tom away from the fight, not wanting him to stain his reputation over something so stupid. he doesn't want to give up but i manage to push him away from dominic, who is now wincing in pain on the ground with a bloody face.

'i told you not to fucking talk to him', tom's voice is loud and clear as he lashes out on me, 'but you didn't fucking listen and now look what happened'. bill tries to calm him down but he only gets brushed off by tom, whose glance is now shooting daggers through me. he approaches me, 'i'm tired of getting into shit because of you!', his distress is obvious in his voice,  'i don't want to deal with you or anything related to you anymore!', he says before storming off, away from the bar.

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a/n: a little drama ;)) next chapter will be longer tho i promise. also thank you all once again for the support, y'all really make my days better <33

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