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tom placed his hand on my cheek carefully, his fingers softly rubbing against my skin. he traced along all my features, a smile spread on his face. he lingered on my lips a little longer than the rest of my face, staring deeply at them as he caressed my bottom lip with his thumb. the silence we found ourselves in was tense but oddly intimate. tom continued moving his hand lower, tracing my neck and my collarbone, then down the middle of my chest and my abdomen. i tensed up under his touch, as his fingers were a little cold. i felt them melt into the warmth of my body. his eyes followed his hand and he admired every part of my body, like an art critique in a museum.

i took a moment to look at him, at his dark eyes, at his hand - and all it did was make me want him more. i sat up and quickly moved on top of him. he stared at me in awe. i let my hands rest against his well-defined chest, slowly discovering the area bit by bit. his hands rapidly moved to my hips to stop my movement as i tried to get myself more comfortable. i smiled to myself knowing that this seemingly innocent act had an effect on him. he gripped onto me tightly, in need. in a matter of a few minutes, his bulge was rubbing against my core while it grew. i heard him groan at our slight yet tight contact with each other. his hands moved up my waist, all the way under my shirt, before i let myself break the silence,

'do you wanna get high?'

tom helped me roll the blunt. he made a heart inside the filter. i light it, taking the first hit. the sun is already setting, giving us a beautiful view from my window. we smoked in silence, both watching the world slowly grow more saturated. i felt a smile slowly bloom on my face as the effect kicked in. i looked at the moon in awe, 'she's so beautiful', i pointed. 

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y/n was so focused on the moon she didn't realize that when tom said 'yeah, yeah she is' he was actually gawking his eyes at her.

once tom flicked the stub out the window, the two sat in comfortable silence. tom's eyes were fixed on y/n's side profile, searching for her expression. he could see the soft smile on her face, which caused him to feel a sudden rush of heat run throughout his entire body. it felt like his heart was on fire. the warmth must've gotten to her as well, 'cause she stood up and took off the t-shirt she was wearing, 'it's so hot, don't you think?', she asked, completely dazed. 

tom's eyes followed her figure moving around. he couldn't tell if this was real or he was dreaming. there she stood, in her bra and jeans, completely unaware of what the sight was doing to him. he thought to himself, how can she be so cruel, but then he realized - that's his girlfriend. right?

— ☆ y/n

the warm breeze was brushing against my skin and it made me feel like i was floating. suddenly, my mind was completely empty and peaceful. the silence was warming my heart and i had almost forgotten tom was there. i turn around to face him, only to meet his eyes - well, not that he was meeting my eyes. i snap my fingers at him but he's completely zoned out on my chest. i can't help but laugh, 'hey! hey! my eye's are right here', i lower my head and finally make him wake up from his daze. i'm too high to get mad so i just laugh, to which he blushes and looks down in guilt. something about him right now, in the dark, makes my heart grow with affection. i approach him. knowing that i'm not thinking straight only makes me want him more. 

tom gets up, wraps his hands around both my thighs and lifts me up, placing me on the window seat. he looks down into my eyes with his lustful red ones and i almost feel like i'm in a vampire movie about to get eternal life. my heart's suddenly racing and i feel this ache grow inside of me, for him. his lips move closer, but he only faintly brushes them against mine, making my breath hitch in anticipation. he smiles, his lipring shining under the moonlight. i place my hands around his neck carefully, almost as if i shouldn't do it, and he crashes his lips onto mine. the ring is cold, but his mouth is warm and perfectly moving against mine. he bites onto my lower lip, earning a moan of frustration out of me. his hands aggressively grab onto my ass, bringing me closer to him. our bodies are basically glued to each other as we kiss and our mouths melt into each other. my fingers are deeply tangled in his hair, holding him close. 

'y/n, your friends are...' my dream is interrupted as the door opens, revealing my brother, whose face instantly drops, 'here', he mumbled, then quickly shut the door. i get up, panicked, 'shit, learn how to fucking knock!', i shout, after hearing him make fake gagging noises outside my door. i quickly put on a shirt and turn on the lights. i turn to see tom laughing his ass off at my brother's reaction. i tell him to be quiet until i get back.

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downstairs, i see bill and emma wait on the couch for me. 'what's up?', i ask, absolutely terrified that they'll ask where tom is. what am i supposed to answer? oh, you know, hiding in my fucking room. 'well...', emma starts, looking at me with excitement in her big puppy eyes, 'me and bill are official!'. i sigh in relief and jump on both of them, embracing them in a long hug, 'i'm so happy for you, my babies!!!', i squeal sharing their excitement. 'and we're going out to celebrate, i just need to summon my brother', bill tells me. he's about to add something, before a loud groan is heard from upstairs, followed by some sort of german swearing. my heart drops as bill and emma turn to me, with knowing looks. before i could stop them, they run upstairs and burst through the door of my room...

where tom is on the floor, shirtless, fallen off the bed.

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a/n: thank u so so much for all the support i didn't expect this fic to blow up ;)<333 I LOVE YALL HAVE A GOOD DAY AND LMK IF U WANT ME TO ADD ANYTHING TO THIS STORY

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