trick me

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i opened my eyes and the first thing i saw was tom's side profile, with his blonde dreads pooling around his face. he looked peaceful, with his eyes closed and breathing calm - almost likeable.

i turn around to face the clock. 'shit' i groan, noticing it's 7:46 am. i nudge tom awake and he throws a death glare at me. he always gets mad when someone wakes him up. i attempted to get out of bed, but he grabbed my arm and tackled me down, hovering on top of me. he held both of my wrists on top of my head. he didn't have a shirt on, so my eyes darted towards his body, admiring everything laid out in front of me. his sleepy eyes were staring deep into mine, and although i was pretty sure he wanted to choke me to death, something about it turned me on. 'now that you woke me up, you have to pay', his tone was low and oddly lustful. i let out a nervous chuckle because i was honestly paralyzed by the view. he moved his head lower, almost closing the gap between our lips, when the door opened abruptly.

'guys get up we have to- OH SHIT SORRY', bill's appalled expression was the last thing i saw before using this opportunity to dash outside of tom's room. i ran downstairs and bumped into bill, who gave me an offensive side eye before making himself breakfast. 'how'd you sleep?' emma asked, looking at me knowingly. i mocked her before tom appeared behind me and wrapped a t-shirt on my head. 'assume you don't wanna go to school dressed in yesterday's clothes', he said carelessly, then proceeded to pour cereal into his mouth, followed by milk.

i took off the shirt i was wearing and quickly changed into his. i turned to see the three looking at me, shocked, 'since when do you have tits?' bill asked.

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we arrived at school together. we were about 15 minutes late. i decided to just ditch first class and go for a smoke. bill joined me.

'y/n i need to talk to you about what happened' he said as we both sat down and each lit a cig, 'i'm sorry for the whole ghosting thing. i know it's not enough but i hope you'll let me get a chance to make it up to you', he looked at me and his puppy eyes sparkled with hope. i groaned, annoyed that it was working, 'bill i'm not mad, look, i get it, your career made your life do a 360 and there was nothing we could do about it. it's just that emma... we missed you, we were so hurt. i just can't let that happen again'. silence filled the empty lab for a few minutes. i felt bill's hand rest on top of mine, 'i'll make sure it won't.'

something about his words was oddly reassuring. we spent the rest of the hour talking random stuff and catching up with each other. although it's hard to admit, it was nice having my best friend back.

we split ways to our next class. i had history and i was actually enjoying the topic of the day, but there was this girl behind me that kept giggling at her phone. it pissed me off so i told her to shut up already. 'you got a fucking problem?' she returned, serving me a bitchy glare. 'yeah, i wanna hear what the teacher's saying, not some cunt's giggles' i snapped back. her mouth dropped open and she scoffed at me. i rolled my eyes and turned back around.

the next class went by pretty fast as well and now we had lunch. emma insisted we sit with bill and tom. all was good, until that girl from history class made her way towards our table. 'hey boo-' she sat next to tom, kissing his cheek and then looked at me, 'the fuck are you doing here?' her tone turned sharp. i couldn't believe my eyes. she snapped her fingers in front of me, 'hello? no more bitchy things to say now?' she kept picking on my silence,  until tom told her to stop, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. she had long, dark hair, soft featured and was wearing a low-cut top, with plenty of cleavage. she was honestly so pretty. bill and emma searched for my reaction. 'whatever, you guys already know who i am but apparently this bitch doesn't so hey, i'm nicole, tom's girlfriend'. she smiled at me ironically. judging by their unphased faces, i'm guessing bill and emma knew. they tried to mantain a conversation but whenever i said something, nicole would interrupt me and it was pissing me off. she was rambling about tom and what they do together and how happy they are and i felt like smashing my head into the table. i rolled my eyes by instinct, 'if you think this conversation is boring why don't you just go?' she asked me, a fake smile plastered on her face. bill, tom and emma all looked at me and i could tell they were expecting me to impulsively explode on her. instead, i got up, and before leaving i told her 'i don't wanna share a table with a cunt anyway'.

i rushed to the lab, feeling all sorts of emotions crash on me. i was angry and upset, i felt like my trust was completely overlooked because none of them bothered to tell me tom has a new girlfriend - not even him. i lit another cigarette and stared out the window, when i felt a sudden rush of tears overcome me. i sat there and cried. and then i got up and smashed my fist into the wall. a part of me believed that tom still wanted me, but that was foolish. i punched the wall again. he probably just wanted to fuck because i seemed like a safe bet to him. my knuckles hurt already. i forgot to check the time and when i did, i realized i was late to my next class. i was so mad at my outburst that i decided to just go home.

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a/n: i'm drunk help

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