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tom's hands were roaming all over my body, his cold fingers melting within the warmth under my hoodie. my mind was completely empty, which is probably why i let it happen so easily. his lips were so soft against mine, brushing aggressively and every now and then, pulling away shortly. my hips were naturally bucking against his, creating a spark of tension in my stomach. it was hard to attempt staying rational when everything felt so right. i kissed down his neck, sucking a mark on it as his hands squeezed my ass. he let out a soft, low moan at my bite, giving me a surge of satisfaction instantly. i looked up to him and he was lightly blushing, which only made my ego grow stronger. this is a game two can play.

my hands quickly went for his belt and unbuckled it. he was looking at me with excitement in his eyes. i took my time unbuttoning his jeans, teasing him through the process. 'y/n just...' he said, frustrated, 'just what? do it?', i looked at him with the most intense fuck me eyes i could master, 'yes, please', he said eager, expecting me to do it.

'oh? you're begging already huh?' i asked, knowing damn well what this meant. his eyes turned dark at the word begging, as he realized he had almost just lost the bet. he groaned, annoyed at my plan. 'fuck you' he mumbled, 'yeah yeah, i know you want to', i smiled innocently and got off him.

we made our way downstairs, tom still stuck with the frustrated expression on his face. he sat down, silently looking at everything around him and listening to our conversations without saying a word, not even when we challenged him. 'what did you do to him?', bill finally asked, shocked at how quiet his brother is all of a sudden. i looked at him sheepishly. 'blue balls' tom answered for me, causing everyone to laugh.

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the next few days in school were fairly weird. girls were looking at me with a weird tint of admiration and fear in their eyes, as i walked down the hallway with tom by my side. everyone glared at the hickey on tom's neck and then back at me. i felt odd, not used to being in the center of attention. tom enjoyed every second of it tho, teasing me throughout each day by putting his hand in my back pocket, holding my waist or hand and so on. 

by friday, there was a very small part of me that also liked these small clicheic couple things. i would lie if i said i didn't feel a rush of feelings attacking me each time he came closer to me or kissed my cheek in front of someone. but at the same time, i had to remember this is just a front and he's simply a very good actor.

i was going to class, a bit late because i was coming from the cig spot. the hallways were finally empty and i could walk without being stabbed in the back by tons of stares. i decided to detour to the bathroom just to catch my breath randomly. i was looking at my face in the mirror, my vision poisoned by the image of my face in intense pleasure caused by tom at the party - i was not the same. i heard the piercing sound of heels against concrete behind me. 'oh, i have the honor to bump into slut of the month!' nicole's voice rang through my ears like an evil chant. i looked at her in the mirror, her hair was pooling perfectly around her slim shoulders and her face was so charming, that her words didn't even reach me. she stepped closer behind me, eyes not leaving my face for a second. she abruptly pulled my hair and instantly smiled in satisfaction, 'by the time i'm gonna take my revenge, you'll wish you were fucking dead'.  i stood there, petrified by what had just happened. she approached the other mirror, doing small touch-ups to her makeup as i stared blankly at her. 'i actually have something for you', her voice filled the silence again, as she looked down to her phone, 'in 5 minutes'. i was so over her threats that i just grabbed my bag and attempted to leave, but she grabbed my arm and held onto it tightly. she dug her fingers into it, making me wince in pain, 'get your hands off me', i said, pushing her away. i quickly made my way out the bathroom, leaving for class. just as i was about to reach the door, i heard the school speakers make a loud beep noise, followed by a painfully familiar voice.

'yeah, nic, you should know i'm just dating her cause she's obsessed with me', nicoles giggles echoed through the entire building, 'i legit can't keep her off my dick', he added. 'did you fuck her tho, tom?', her voice stuck to my ears, 'nah, i would never lay a finger on her, she's too slutty'.

the bell rang early and i couldn't move. people started leaving classes, laughing at the recording that had just played for the entire school to hear. i felt out of breath, like my entire world got swept from under my feet and was actively suffocating me. i wanted to run because everyone was staring, but i couldn't move my legs. a tear fell down my cheek as i stared at the floor. 'such a perfect couple, right?' nicole's voice echoed once again, loud and clear behind me. she lifted my head by my chin and looked into my eyes, filling my soul with hatred. the adrenaline kicked in pretty fast and washed away the humiliation i was feeling so deeply. i turned my head away from her and left the school, not turning to look back once.

☆ — tom's pov.

my conversation with nicole played on the school speakers while i was in english, and i immediately felt shame wash over me. everyone stared at me with wide eyes and i searched for y/n in the room, but she wasn't there. fuck, fuck, fuck.

i got up from my seat and sprinted away when the bell rang. i ran around for a while until i saw her. she stood there, on the side of the hallway, and her head hung low. although her back was facing me, i easily recognised her figure. i wanted to go to her, to hold her in my arms, to tell her everything was okay, but i couldn't move. i just sat there and watched. by the time i wanted to make my way towards her, someone else did - nicole. 

i ran after y/n, calling out for her but she didn't look back. she took a sharp right and didn't notice a bump in the road, causing her to trip and fall to her knees. i rushed over to her, worried but lowkey glad that this made her slow down. once again, i found myself wanting to wrap my arms around her, but something inside of me stopped me from doing it. i stood there, rubbing her back as she cried, because my body wouldn't obey to my orders of doing anything more. 

'am i not to slutty for you to touch me, dickhead?' she flinched away from my touch, before turning around and slapping my face. the sudden contact woke me up from my daze and what happened finally fully dawned on me. i think she surprised herself because her eyes widened after she realized what she did. her gaze quickly turned cold towards me. she stood there, scanning my face with so much anger in her eyes. my words wouldn't come out. she waited for me to say something - but i couldn't, again. i grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to me, my other hand lifting her chin up. i crashed my lips onto her and let her warmth take me away.

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a/n: yall yesterday was my birthday and i impulsively let someone give me a septum help :)))))) also THANK U SO MUCH FOR 1K READS I LOVE U GUYS SM!!!!  <3333

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