Chapter VII part two |Why me?|

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I walked up to him, wrapping my arms around his slim waist. Russia looked at every photo I've plastered on the wall. He took one of them and looked at it for a while, then he looked at me as he smiled excitedly. "You played the guitar?" I raised my eyebrows and then chuckled. "Oh- Uhm, yeah; I did. That guitar belongs to a friend from Transylvania, so I couldn't have brought it with me." He nodded and put the photo back to its place. "Why didn't you tell me you play an instrument?" I shrugged my shoulders at his question. "Eh, it wasn't something that cool to talk about." Russia frowned "Fuck yeah it was. Have you played any other instruments?" I sat down at my desk chair and nodded as I closed my eyes. I placed my hands behind my neck. "My parents were quite the rich people and so I tried many instruments when I lived with them. I mainly played the piano and violin." Russia sat on my lap with his back facing me, which made me let out a quick yelp. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his body. "Well, it just so happens that I have a piano and violin at home." He grinned "Maybe I could hear you play them one day. And also the guitar; you could borrow Ukraine's guitar. I'm sure she won't mind." I nodded and kissed his back. He looked around my room, lingering his eyes on every wall. "You listen to a ton of bands, don't you?" I also looked around; I had posters from bands like C.E.C., Nirvana, My Chemical Romance... Heavy metal and punk rock bands from the 80's and 90's... Yeah, quite the rock 'n' roll kid. I nodded to his question "They all saved my life... not literally, but you get it. Especially C.E.C.." He smiled and touched my hands gently. "Ukraine could relate to you. She also listens so some of them." He then let out a small chuckle and got off my lap. "Can I check your books?" He asked, pointing at the bookshelf in front of us. I looked away and nodded as I blushed heavily.

He sat down on the carpet and looked through the bookshelf. "What do you expect finding?" I asked him as I sat down next to him. "Romance, I guess?" I laughed loudly enough for Russia to look at me weirdly. "I uhh... it's mainly romance, you're right." He smiled and kissed my cheek. I tilted my head a bit to the side "Only that?" I hopped on top of him, slightly wiggling my lap against his. "I want more." I whispered before kissing him deeply on the lips. Russia moaned inside my mouth, beginning to roam his hand all over my body. He pulled away for a sec, breathing heavily "What? Is it too much?" He looked away "Do vampires usually bite their partners?" I immediately grinned to his question. I caressed his neck, each caress sending shivers down his spine. "You want me to mark you?" He covered his face as he blushed heavier. I laughed and kissed his cheek "Don't worry. It won't turn you into a vampire, nor would it matter that much... A vampire bite just means that person is taken. I think you get it." Russia hovered his eyes at my neck "What about those?" I quickly jumped off his lap "They're nothing, okay!?" I spat out in defense. Russia looked at me with worry, caressing the right side of his neck. "It's okay, I also have one. I don't know how I got it, maybe I hurt myself or something?" He shrugged it off and got up, walking up to my desk one more time. "Have you ever drew me?" I blushed and sat down in the desk chair "A ton. Maybe too much..." I mumbled. He slightly smiled and looked at every item I had on my desk. He picked up my sketchbook "This thing is quite heavy." He mumbled and laid his lower back against the desk. He opened the very first page and smiled brightly. "Is this your family?" He asked as he showed me the drawing, I didn't look. "...Romi?" ............

12 years ago.
Young Romania's POV

"Mater! Mater! (Mother)" I called as I opened the door to my Mother's office. "I finished my first drawing in the sketchbook from Avia! (Grandmother)" I held the drawing and raised it so Mother could see it. Mother didn't look. "...Mater?" I gripped the drawing tighter. "Romania, leave my office." She said firmly, not even looking at me. "B-But, don't you want to-"

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