Chapter III |Such a miserable soul...|

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Romania's POV

A few more days passed and THEY. WERE. HORRIBLE! That fucking bastard was in my guts all the time! I've never despised someone as much as him, why can't he just ignore me, for dear Archons!!! *sigh* Because I was in my suicidal phase that night I ended up with my gorgeous face damaged because of that fucking wound and also I kinda broke the little promise me and Greece made, because after that fight now we're fighting everytime there's a chance to. Oh dear Archonic... my beautiful and soft face is now filled with bruises and scratches and it's all because of that fucking animal!

*sigh* Moldova has already gotten a school project and her classmates that were in her group project have to come to our home, Luckily I don't have to stay with them forever because that themed park will re-open today at 7 P.M. so at 8 P.M. I'm gooone!

7:45 P.M.

"Romania?", my little sister knocked on the bathroom door where I was. "Can we use your art supplies?", I look at the door and yell a no in anger. "Oh, come on! You have tons of them!", "You have your own art supplies, Moldova!", I yelled at her back:

-Can we just talk face to face!? [MOL]
-No, 'cause I'm in the bathtub and I'm currently shaving my legs. So just shut up, let me do my thing and use your own art supplies.
-Why do you shave your legs? I tought it was normal for guys to have hairy legs.
-Why do you shave your legs?
-Because I'm a woman and I would look super weird with hair on my legs?
-Well then I'm a man that hates body hair as much as women do. Now go do your little project...

She cussed at me and ran in her room, probably.

8 P.M.

After I put a little bit of makeup on my face so I can hide the bruises, I quickly go in my room covered in my towel so I can change there. I look at my phone, Greece is calling:

-Hey, are you ready? [GR]
-Uhm... Actually... I didn't even change yet...
-Oh, it's okay!
-I suggest you to advance to Bulgaria's house and wait for me there, because you know how slow I change.
-No, don't worry! I'll wait.

I thank Greece and hang up the call. Entity! "Need help?", O-Of course I need help... "How about this one?", Entity pointed at a black T-shirt with no sleeves. I look down "I'll look too fat.":

-I tought you were holding a diet? [ENTITY]
-Well I kinda gave up on it, it doesn't seem to work.
-Well maybe it's because you smoke like 5 cigarettes per day and also drug yourself at least two times per week?
-...Y-Yeah but I barely eat!
-Oh dear Lord Archonic, that will make you skinny not slim!
-Well, my bad then, I should've told my past self to stop eating that much even though that was the only thing that kept me happy at that time...!
-Romania- *heavy sigh* Wear whatever the fuck you want, I seriously don't care anymore. Why do you always gotta be so overly dramatic...!?

Entity disappeared leaving me on my own... *sigh* sorry... I'm so... Agh!!! I look at the shirt Entity pointed, "Russia really destroyed my confidence, huh...", I mumbled as I picked it up. "That won't stop me from wearing this, though!", I mumbled again a little louder so my inner self can hear what I just said.


OH THIS IS PERFECT! I spin myself slowly so I can admire myself- OH FUCK GREECE IS STILL WAITING! I pick up my phone and earphones and run to the main door, "Good luck with the project!", I told my sister and her friends while opening the door. "I'm so fucking sorry!!!", I told Greece as I run up to her, "No worries, the themed park is closing at 12 A.M..", she laughed. "Ooh! I like your outfit~!", she said caressing her beautiful braided hair. I thank her and compliment her outfit back.

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