Chapter IV |Uncovering my heart.|

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...Oh Archonic, I'm going to pass out... The woman probably noticed something's about to happen to me because what other reason will be there to make her get up to calm me down. ...I should've expected this, though. ...*sigh* Now, face your biggest fear: Telling every fucking thing that happened to you until now. "Romania? Can you hear me?", my blurry vision goes away as I see the woman crouching down and looking up to me. I nodded unconsciously trying to get a word out of my mouth, but I couldn't. "Try breathing in and out. Let's do it together.", I took a breath in, trying to swallow all my problems and fears like how I always tried, but then I exhaled everything, I hope I'll be able to do that with my problems too.

After I calmed down we could finally start the session. "...Does Andorra really have to be here...?", I don't know if she looked at me, but I really don't want her to hear... too much. "It's the first session, so minors have to come with parents or the person that takes care of them. You don't have to let out everything, just the ones that really need to be let out.", she explained me. ...Okay, coming out to Andorra is crossed out the list. ...And what was between me and Azazel... and the sexual abuse I suffered in that relationship... I think that's all... Russia? It's not that problematic, though. "Did you make up your mind?", I nodded to her question. "Okay, how about you tell me a little about yourself.", I nodded once again. ...How do I start...? Uh... I don't think she knows my name. "Uhm... M-My name is Romania... I'm 16 years old... Uhm...", I noticed she's writing down the information I'm giving her... "...Are you a Sophomore?", she asked, "Romania, we're not at a police investigation. You didn't kill anybody, don't worry. ...Hm. Tell me what do you like to do!", I nodded holding my hands together:

-...I... like to read... draw... Uhm... I think that's all...
-...Do you think it would be better if Andorra talks about you? [THERAPIST]
-Oh! Uhm. Well, he likes to read, draw... listen to music... He doesn't practice that many hobbies anymore. [ANDORRA]
-...We'll leave the introduction to another session. Let's talk about why you are here. [THERAPIST]

That's worse than the introduction. "...To... talk about my problems?", she nodded, "Well, then. Could you tell a background of everything bad you've done or that happened to you?", it comes... I sighed deeply. "From my young years until now?", she told me yes. ...*sigh* "...I was abused verbally and physically by... my... parents. We ran away from our home. I got so harshly bullied at school... I started smoking and drugging myself with depressants at 13... I started to hurt myself long ago... at around... 3-4 years old... I tried to kill myself thousands of times... My classmates tried to kill me too. M-My parents tried to kill me. I got harassed and sexually abused so many times I just d-don't even remember the count anymore... and no one cared... I...", I started crying, really badly. Andorra started crying from the start. The therapist gave us both a napkin to wipe ours tears away, but I only covered my entire face with it as I let my tears moisten it. "Well... that's a lot to talk about.", she said as she was looking down to the notebook.


Unfortunately... or fornutentely the session only lasted an hour, but the therapist said that the next one will last around 3 hours. Because of how much I was crying I could barely mumble something, so we haven't made anything clear, but those 3 hours will surely do something more effective... Will she even talk to me after all of this? Andorra barely knew the tip of the iceberg, now we've just dived deeper into the ocean. "...Do you want to go back to school?", ...Oh, fuck no! "No... just drive home.", I mumbled looking to my right. The worst thing I could've imagined if I did go back there was Russia just being in my fucking guts all the time.

We've arrived home, Moldova got back from school a loooong while ago, but I think she knew that I went to therapy since she wasn't surprised that I'm here. "So, how was it?", Moldova asked. "It was okay.", I murmured taking off my shoes. Before I could make any steps up to the next floor Andorra immediately exclaimed, "Where are you going? Inside your locked room and will you stay there until dinner's ready?", ...that was a personal attack, sister. I raised my shoulders, "I want to read.", "Well, you can also read here in the living room.", ...*sigh*. I close the door of my bedroom and pick up my pajamas to change into them. After this I take the book I'm currently reading, a 2000's romance, and head back downstairs.

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