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"Good bye, Frankie!"

"Bye! And thanks again for the help with the cows."

"Don't worry about it, it was only fun."

Yes, it was, Frankie thought as she held the gate open. A task fit for old friends. Joanna's husband had joined them and together the three of them had herded the cows home from the mountain. Mary and Emelie had stayed at old Margot's place in town for the week and a half they had been gone, and who was to say? Next year they might both be old enough to come along?

"I'll see you again next week", Joanna said as she mounted her horse. "Seems you have a new visitor now." She nodded down the road.

Frankie turned to look. She was right: there on the road came a rider, approaching the ranch at a canter. "Now who might that be?"

"I'll leave it to you to find out."

Joanna and her husband set off. Frankie remained at the gate, waiting for the mysterious rider to arrive. When he did, Franke saw he had an envelope in his hand. He waved it above his head. "I have a letter to Frankie, Mary and Emelie Shackleford!" he shouted.

"That's us", Frankie said, surprised. They usually collected their mails from the post office in town. "It must have taken you quite some time to ride all the way out here?"

"Well, yes, but I got paid to do it! Or I mean, there was a man in town - two men to be precise - who said they'd pay anyone who cared to deliver this letter to the Shackleford ranch, and there was I with nothing to do so I thought, why not? So... here you go!"

The young rider handed the letter over, the energetic smile never leaving his face. Frankie took it, a strong suspicion forming in her belly. And indeed, when she turned the letter around, there was Ray's small, elegant handwriting. "Thank you for the trouble", she told the boy. "If you should see these men again, please tell them the letter was well received."

"Will do!" Waving, the boy turned his horse around and set off into town again.

Frankie brought the letter with her to the house with a smile on her lips. "Mary! Emelie!" she called once inside. "Come down, Dad and Chad have sent us another letter!"

Immediately there were footsteps from the floor above, followed by the girls coming rushing down the stairs. Once gathered in the drawing room, Frankie began to read.

"Dear Mary, Emelie and Frankie! We hope you are well now that summer is coming to a close. We are. Chad and Lucy have just participated in a race on the rodeo field that has been set up again in town, and guess what? They won! Chad is over himself with joy. He is not one to settle with only one victory, though, and as I am writing this letter, he is already out competing again. It is lovely to see them race, and Lucy truly is remarkable. The best champion she has ever been, to hear Chad say it."

"I also want to see Chad and Lucy compete", Mary said. "Can we do that? Please, pleeease?"

"Yes, listen, it's just what Dad proposes next: 'Maybe you would all want to come and watch? The rodeo field will be open for yet another week, so there is plenty of time. Speaking of which: Chad and I were thinking of visiting you on the ranch. Tomorrow, to be precise, hence the urgency of this letter."

"They are coming here?!" Mary and Emelie squealed at the same time, beaming like suns.

Frankie was also excited. "It appears so! Yes, listen: 'Our plan is to come around midday tomorrow. If we find someone willing to deliver this letter to the ranch, you will be told.' Oh look, he writes to you next: 'Mary and Emelie, do you remember the old guitar? If my memory serves me right it should be up in the attic. Could you take it downstairs? It has been too long since I played for you."

"Will he really?" Emelie was breathless.

Frankie smiled. "It sounds as if he will."

"He wants us to go up to the attic?" Mary whispered the last word.

Frankie kept reading: "I know the attic is said to inhabit a ghost, so if you are scared I suggest you bring candles with you. Light is very effective against ghosts. But I have also heard that most ghosts are gentle souls, and this particular one might not even be there anymore. I am certain you can do this together!

'Now Chad is back from his second race today so I must end this letter. Hopefully we will find someone to deliver it to you. We look very much forward to visiting you tomorrow. Take care and much love from me and Chad.

'P.s: Chad promises he will sing for you. As many songs as you would like to hear. Good thing songs and guitar play suit each other so well."

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