Chapter 21

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"Look at me, look at me!"

"Where are... oh no, Mary! We are not supposed to be up there!"

"But look at me! It's sooo much fun here, I can see the whole wooorld!"

"Mary please, climb down."


"Climb down!"


Their voices caused Chad to wake. He tried to locate them - at least Mary's voice sounded close - but it did not come from the hall outside his room. Instead, it appeared to be coming from outside. But it was too close to be from the yard below. Then he realized. The red oak.

"Chaaad! Chad, can you see me?!"

It took more time than it should to get up from bed. Feeling like an old man, he stumbled to the window and pulled the curtains aside. The sun he had tried to shut out found its way inside his room in small tendrils, but like always the red oak did a great job casting shade. He bent out of the window, searching the branches.

"I'm over here, Chad! Over heeere!"

She was closer than he'd expected. She was also a lot further up the tree. Being so young she's a cracker for climbing. But it still looked dangerous.

"Are ya supposed to be up there?"

"No", Mary said proudly. "Wanna come? You can climb from your window!"

"I don't think it's..."

"Chad, tell her to get down!" Emelie was at the foot of the tree, waving her arms above her head desperately.

"Isn't yer dad with ya?" Chad asked. "He said he'd be with ya."

"Yes, but he left as soon as mom went into town!"

Chad was not surprised. But this was not good. He considered. He should get Mary down as soon as possible, that much was for sure, but how? He had no idea.

"Look at me, look at me!" Mary shouted again.

Chad looked and this time found her standing on a branch, trying to balance while lifting one of her legs into the air. The branch was thick, but Chad would not even dream of copying her. Maybe he should climb to her? But it would take time until he got there and if truth be told he still felt like an old man. He did not think he could make it. "Mary, how 'bout ya climb over here?" he suggested. "It's ya who should try climin' through my window."

Mary changed leg to balance on the other. "I'm staying in the tree!"

"'Kay, but can ya climb over here anyways?" he tried. "I don't see ya so good where ya are now."

"But she has to get down!" Emelie insisted from the ground.

"I... I... know, just..." - he really had no idea what to do - "just climb over here to begin with, 'kay, Mary?"

He did not believe she would actually do it. She did not say anything, but after another moment of balancing, she began to climb. Where she planned on going, Chad did not know. He became a little calmer, though, after some time of watching her. Despite her age and size she was sure-footed. She chose the branches Chad hoped she would choose and always considered her surroundings before she made her next move. Despite going at a pace a little too fast to Chad's liking, Chad realized he shouldn't have been so quick to deem the situation as dangerous. Mary knew how to navigate the red oak.

She actually seemed to be going in his direction. When she was back at the trunk she turned and chose the huge branch that led past his window.

"Mary, noo", Emelie whimpered, hiding her face in her hands.

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