Chapter 12

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"Maybloom also wants to drink tea!"

Mary announced the request when Frankie went up to refill Ray's cup. The new doll had joined them at the table, sitting in the girl's lap just like a real child might sit in her mother's. Its golden hair mingled itself with Mary's curls.

"Maybloom can't drink tea, dearest", Frankie told her daughter, not for the first time. "It has to be pretend."

"Where's the fun in that?" Mary complained, but before long, she was lifting the cup to the doll's mouth all the same and told it to be careful not to spill.

Emelie had also brought her new toy to the table - a book, which, if Ray understood it correctly, was the next volume in a series about highborn British ladies. The girls had been excited to show their new belongings when they returned from town. Most of all they wanted to show Chad, it seemed, but as the cowboy remained in his room with the door closed, Ray became the target of their recaption of the day. Now he remembered very little of their extensive descriptions of bookshops and dolls in all fits and shapes. Even now, as they were eating dinner together, he was struggling to think of anything other than Chad.

He had lost count of the number of times he had looked at him. He tried not to, and his gaze never lingered, but it kept returning. All too often he and the cowboy would make eye contact, and when they did, Ray was even quicker to avert his eyes. His only comfort was that Chad also seemed troubled when their eyes met. Every time it happened, he turned away as if he had burnt himself. Could he also be uncomfortable? Ray found that hard to believe, but he did wonder. Today had done nothing to improve the situation between them, despite his careful planning. How are we to take anything from here?

One thing that had improved, however, was the situation with Frankie. Ray had barely had time to put his shirt back on before Frankie had come up the stairs, eager to speak with him. Hoping... it... was not visible on his face, Ray followed her into their bedroom, and conversation began. Frankie apologized for being angry with him and for screaming at him in the attic. She made him understand that she still meant every word and that she by no means thought his behavior to be okay, but she did not want to quarrel any more. Ray struggled to concentrate on the conversation and accomplished little else than to nod and mumble 'yes' and 'no' when appropriate, but somehow that seemed to be enough for Frankie. When Ray agreed to clean the attic, Frankie was satisfied and even gave him a hug. Ray hugged her back, thinking of Chad.

"Maybloom is tired", Mary said suddenly and raised the doll's hand to her mouth as if the doll was hiding a yawn.

"Is she?" Frankie smiled. "Good, because it is past time all three of you went to bed."

"Can't we read a chapter in the new book first?" Emelie asked.

"I have already promised that we will. Go and brush your teeth. I'll come to your room as soon as I have cleared the table."

Emelie got up and left for the laundry room with the book under her arm. Mary however, remained in the kitchen. "Maybloom doesn't want to listen to no stupid book", she said. "She wants to hear Chad sing."

Ray looked up at the mention of the cowboy's name.

Chad also stirred in his chair. "Sorry?" he said, giving away that his thoughts had been somewhere else. Where?

"I want you to sing for us tonight", Mary told him. "Maybloom wants to hear."

"Uh..." Ray could feel the cowboy's eyes wander to him once more and he forced himself to keep his eyes on his plate. No good could come from making eye contact, he reminded himself. He was already way too uncomfortable, and what if Frankie noticed? Say something, he silently begged the cowboy. Say anything, and act normal.

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