Chapter 5

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Chad could not remember the last time he had experienced anxiety on the same level as he was experiencing it now. There was not a single moment when Lucy was not on his mind, and he found himself brooding on thoughts most unwelcome. What did one do with a dead horse? The proper thing to do must be to bury her, surely, but what if Ray and Frankie insisted on having her slaughtered? Not that the Shacklefords seemed to be lacking food to put on the table, but at the same time, the food had to come from somewhere...

Chad and Ray took turns providing Lucy with new ice bandages. But since Chad wanted to be completely sure that he wrapped it correctly around her leg, he insisted on having Ray come with him to show him how it was supposed to be done. The third time he came asking for assistance, Ray had clearly had enough. "It is your turn now!" he exclaimed. "I have a ton of other duties that need doing, but thanks to this I have not even been able to start!"

"But I just wanna be certain that-"

"You have no reason to not be certain, Chad. Not a single reason."

"But ya promised to help me 'n Lucy."

"I am helping you with Lucy. Some you must do by yourself. But fine, I will help you one last time, and this time, see that you learn."

But learning proved difficult when you were filled to the brim with worry, and more difficult still when the teacher was focused on getting it over with as fast as possible. In a matter of seconds - at least that was how it felt to Chad - Ray was finished and stalked off, declaring he had to see to the cows and would be gone for at least three hours. That meant Chad would have no choice but to do the next change himself.

He lingered in the stable, sitting in the straw next to Lucy, leaned against the stall wall. The cloth they had put around Lucy's hoof was stained with blood. Not much, but enough to prove it was still bleeding. "C'mon, Lucy", Chad pleaded. "Fight through this. Be the fighter I know ya are."

All Lucy did was flick her ears at the noice. Her eyes remained closed and her breathing was as painful to listen to as ever.

After a while the door to the stable opened and there stood Emelie, humming to herself. She began to walk down the corridor with happy little bounces - until her eyes fell on Chad. She silenced, freezing to the floor.

Chad did his best to sound harmless. "G'day, Emelie. Yer takin' Nessa fer a ride, are ya?"

The girl only looked at him, her demeanor signaling that all she wanted was to run off.

Chad gave it another go, though already sensing it would prove useless. "She's a beautiful pony, yer Nessa is." Emelie still did nothing but stare. Chad got to his feet. "I'll leave ya to it, then." He gave her one last smile before leaving the stable.

He was already thinking of when he had to provide Lucy with new ice. He searched the cow pasture with his eyes but saw no sight of Ray. Most likely, he was one of the black little dots a good half mile away. There was no use hoping he would get back in time.

Chad went to sit on the small patch of grass just below the red oak, crossing one leg over the other and resting his back against the ancient-looking tree trunk. After a while Emelie came out of the stable, the pony Nessa in her lead, heading for the paddock. Chad spent some time watching them, quite certain Emelie did not see him, for he had a feeling she would not be comfortable riding if she did.

But time flew by and all too soon it was time to give Lucy her new ice wrapping. Chad sighed heavily, palms already sweaty and heart beating fast. The cellar was accessed from the back of the main building, through a separate door followed by a steep stone stair. Below opened a moderately large space for storage, and against the wall farthest to the back, under layers of sawdust and blankets, the family kept their ice. He picked out two pieces he deemed to be the right size, then turned to make his way back to the stable.

Where the Red Oak stoodOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant