43. Game of Flowers

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On the other side, Blake and Veronica were surprised, to say the least, by the sight. They had chosen a key with a flower on it, and were expecting perhaps a flowery field, some sort of floral task, or perhaps anything directly associated with a flower. Meanwhile, where they found themselves was a real jungle. Yes, it was floral, but at the same time it was incredibly dangerous - or at least that's how it seemed to Blake.

They found themselves at the entrance to a luscious green tangle of plants, unsure of what awaited them on the path they were about to take. The view was obscured by plants, and Blake doubted that whatever they encountered would be friendly. He was certain, however, that they had to cross this path to pass the level. They also had comfortable clothes, good for a jungle journey.

For a green infinity of dangerous surprises.

"Do we really have to go there?" Veronica was visibly panicked and ready to retreat. Except she had nowhere to go.

"We have a choice to go on, or stay here forever. The choice is probably obvious."

He didn't want to stay in the small area that was the entrance to the jungle, especially if the time of day worked normally here and night would eventually come. For the time being, it was light, perfect to undertake the trek. They didn't know how long it was going to last, but they couldn't stay here. It would be suicide.

"We don't know what's waiting for us there," he said.

"We also don't know what waits until we stay here like an evening snack."

Although Veronica was terrified by this prospect - especially since she was afraid of wild animals - she realized that Blake was right. Here, death awaited them. Besides, she felt much more secure not being alone anyway. Besides, Blake had a dagger. At least he had anything with which to defend himself.

"No need to delay, come on," Blake instructed her, pushing aside the branches.

A path opened up in front of them, completely hidden by greenery. The deeper into this jungle they entered, the less light penetrated through the treetops.

It looked like a place of enchanting beauty and hidden dangers. Lush green foliage stretched as far as the eye could see, creating a canopy of leaves that blocked out the sunlight. The air was thick with humidity, and the sounds of exotic creatures echoed through the dense vegetation.

As Blake and Veronica ventured deeper into the jungle, the trees seemed to close in on them, creating a sense of being swallowed by nature's embrace. Strange and vibrant flowers bloomed at their feet, their petals carrying a faint, sweet scent that masked the underlying danger.

The jungle was alive with wildlife, from colorful birds with vibrant feathers to elusive creatures that slinked through the undergrowth. They caught glimpses of their movements, but they were never quite sure what they were or where they would appear next.

Green vines twisted and coiled around the trees, forming natural obstacles that challenged their path. The ground beneath their feet was soft and uneven, making them focus on each step. The jungle floor was a secret world of hidden dangers itself, or so they thought.

The darkness of green world was thick and impenetrable, and the sounds of the wild became eerie and unsettling even more as they continued on this path. Eyes seemed to watch them from the shadows, and strange noises echoed through the trees, leaving them with a feeling of unease - especially Veronica who thought it was a sign of her bad luck.

For them, this jungle was a place where the unknown lurked around every corner, and they could never be sure what lay ahead.

"How much far is it, how do you think?"

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